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Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 23:10:12 +0530
From: Ishwar Goudar
Dear LIS Professionals,
Dr. H.S. Siddamallaiah (HSS), Principal Library and Information Officer,
NIMHANS, Bangalore will be superannuating on 31st July 2013 after more
than three decades of illustrious career in Library and Information
Science. We friends, colleagues, LIS Professionals and well wishers of HSS
have decided to arrange a befitting *felicitation program* in his honour
coinciding with the Concluding Session of the Symposium on *"E- Content:
Copyright, Licensing, Taxation and * *Regulatory Norms" *on 26th July 2013
at 5.00 PM at the Symposium Venue, NIMHANS Convention Centre, Hall No. 2,
Hosur Road, Bangalore.
Dr. HSS, before joining as NIMHANS served at Libraries of Tata Consulting
Engineers and Ramaiah Medical College. He has the credit of Developing
National Neuroscience Information Centre at NIMHANS, funded by DST, DBT,
NIC and ICMR. He has helped many LIS students in choosing Ph.D. topics
and preparing their Synopsis. He has served number of Professional
Organisations including KALA, MLAI, HLAI and SIS as their office bearer
and organised many National and International events. He is British
Scholar, invited for Annual Lecture of American Mental Health Librarians
Association. He has been a visiting faculty for Mahasarakham University,
Thailand. He is in the forefront of the profession � always - for advanced
studies and implementation of technologies and applications for library
and information services. Role model for younger professionals for
innovation and out of the box thinking. *His research and academic
ambition is **treading LIS education to "Information * *Engineering **and
Management". * * * *We invite you to participate in the Symposium and
grace the Felicitation Program. * * * Regards, * * Friends, Colleagues,
LIS Professionals and Well wishers of Dr. HS Siddamallaiah -- Dr. I.R.N.
Goudar Visiting Professor and Library Adviser Mysore University Library
University of Mysore Manasagangotri, MYSORE - 570 006 Tel: 0821-2419283
mob: 09611165781 E-mail: goudarishwar@gmail.com
Details of the Symposium:
National Institute Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore has
organised one day Symposium on
"E-Content: Copyright, Licensing, Taxation and Regulatory Norms" on 26th
July 2013 (Friday), presently
a burning issue for all libraries. publishers and Subscription Agents.
Venue: Convention Centre, Hall No.2, NIMHANS Hospital Premises, Hosur Road,
Bangalore -560029
About the Symposium:
Libraries are facing many challenges on Licensing and Regulatory norms for e
-content, apart from handling
tools and technologies, particularly coping with changing rules concerned
to service taxes, Income tax,
TDS, etc. Even the other stake holders are confused in the matter. This
brain-storming Symposium covers
a plenary lecture on overview of E-content licensing and regulatory issues
followed by experts views of all
stakeholders including libraries, publishers, aggregators, subscription
agencies and authors. A post lunch
session will facilitate participants to interact with the panelists.
The expert speakers include all stakeholders in addition to Tax and Legal
Professionals covering following
- Authors Perspectives
- Publishers/Aggregators Perspectives
- Library/Librarians Perspectives
- Copyright and Licensing Perspectives
- Legal & Regulatory perspectives
Program will be with rich content with less formalities an informal
Inaugural Function.
Registration Fee � Rs.500 (Students Rs.300)
PROGRAMME (9 AM to 4.00 PM)
9.00 AM - 10.00AM - Registration:
10.0 AM � 10.45AM - Inauguration
- Lighting the Lamp
- Setting the Context : Dr. H.S. Siddamallaiah, NIMHANS
10.45 AM -11.15 AM - Coffee Break
Technical Sessions-I
11.15 AM to 11.45 AM - Plenary Talk:
"An Overview on E-Content:Licensing and Regulatory Norms"
- Mr. N.V. Sathyanarayana, CMD, Informatics, Bangalore
11.45 AM 01.15 PM - Experts Views by Invited Speakers.
Mr. S. Gopalakrishna, Chief Commissioner, Income Tax (Retd.)
Prof. Shalini Urs, Executive Director, ISIM, UoM
Mr. Ananda Byrappa, Sr. Manager, GE, Bangalore
Mr. Shaji John, EBSCO
01.15 PM � 02.15 PM - Lunch
02.15 PM � 3.30 PM Open House Interaction with Panelists
Moderator: Mr. N.V. Satyanarayana
Mr. Shivakumar, S., Tax Consultant and Attorney
Mr. Dayanand, Chartered Accountant and Service Tax Consultant
Mr. Shaji John, Vice President, Sales, EBCSO
Prof. Shalini Urs, UoM
Mr. Anand Byrappa, GE
* *
*3.30 PM � 4.00 PM - High Tea
4.15 PM � 5.30 PM - Concluding Session
*Guests of Honour:
Prof. V. G. Talawar, Vice Chancellor, Reva University,Bangalore
* and Former VC, University of Mysore
Prof. C.R. Karisiddappa, Rtd. Professor, DLIS, Karnatak University, Dharwad
Presided by:
Prof. P. Satishchandra, Director/Vice-chancellor, NIMHANS, Bangalore
*For more details and Brochure /Registration Form please visit the
*Symposium site at
*Kindly mail for confirmation of your participation to
Organizing Secretary
Dr H S Siddamallaiah,Ph.D.
Principal Library and Information Officer
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)
Post Box No 2900
*Email: siddahss@gmail.com
Phone(O): +91-80-26995035/ 26995031