1st Announcement for Call for Paper in ICDL 2019: Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment
Dear Professionals, We are happy to announce that The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) is organizing 6th edition of ICDL 2019 during 06-08 November 2019 at New Delhi. This year the theme of the conference is Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment. ICDL2019 conference intends to bring together a plethora of leading experts and digital luminaries from multiple disciplines across the globe to discuss the ideas and innovations in the areas of DL research, Data Mining Discovery, Knowledge and Innovation Management, Digital Empowerment, e-Governance etc that have potential to change the future world. ICDL 2019 will be an excellent forum to discuss several key areas of Smart Technologies including Industry 4.0, Big Data & Social Media Analytics, E-learning Platforms, Knowledge Innovation & Discovery, Open Access and many more... ICDL 2019 invites original submissions focusing on the theme of the conference. Key Thematic Areas includes (but not limited to): Data Mining and Discovery * Big Data in Knowledge Discovery * Data Mining in the Linked Data Cloud * Text/Web/Social/User Behaviour Mining * Data Structures, Frameworks, and Models Underlying Knowledge and Data Mining * Application of MOOCs in Blended Learning Environment Social Media Analytics and Computing Knowledge and Innovation Management Digital Research More... Social Media Analytics and Computing * Social Media, Social Web, and Social Network Analysis * Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Crowdsourcing * Information Quality and Knowledge Maturing * Community Evolution * Application of Data Analytics in Measuring Library Value More... Knowledge and Innovation Management * ProcessOriented Knowledge Management * Idea Nurturing and Management * Skill and Competency Management * ServiceOriented Architecture and Knowledge * Convergence of Knowledge and Collaborative Learning * Enterprise 4.0 More... Digital Research * Digital Library Development, Architecture, and Management * Digital Library Sustainability Model * Green Library and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) * Digital Preservation and Access Management * Digital Library Best Practices More.. Important dates * 31 July 2019 - Submission of full papers * 01 September 2019 - Notification of acceptance of paper with comments * 01 October 2019 - Submission of the final paper after incorporating comments Participants are invited to contribute their research papers for presentation on the above themes and related aspects. The papers should be based on original research and surveys; case studies or action plans rather than theoretical explanations. Papers may be submitted to the ICDL secretariat online http://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/paper_submission.php using the conference website or electronically through e.mail on pallavis@teri.res.inmailto:pallavis@teri.res.in For more details visit website < http://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/> Download Conference Brochure : https://www.teriin.org/events/icdl/pdf/ICDL2019-brochure.pdf For further Information Contact: ICDL 2019 Secretariat The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) India Habitat Centre Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, India Tel: +91 11 24682100 or 41504900 Fax: 24682144 Email: icdl@teri.res.in Website: www.teriin.org/events/icdlhttp://www.teriin.org/events/icdl Best regards V V S Parihar Information Analyst ====================================================================== Knowledge Resource Centre | The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI ) | India Habitat Centre | Lodi Road | New Delhi | India | T: +91 11 2468 2100 / 41504900 (extn 2758) | F: +91 11 2468 2144 | Mob: 9899031464 | Web: www.teriin.org Disclaimer : The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments is intended for the person or entity to which it is addressed, and it may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review or other use of this e-mail or taking any action based on it by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please contact the sender, and delete all copies of this mail. This e-mail has been scanned and verified by MS Office 365 mail protection.
participants (1)
Vijay Vikram S Parihar