Fwd: FW: UNDP-APDIP Survey on Internet Policy

Cross posted with apologies. Please invite participation from colleagues at your organization for this very important policy making initiative by the UN, which was also mentioned by Dr.N.Hothi at the ICIM2005.
Smita Chandra
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
New Mumbai
Subbiah Arunachalam
From: "Shahid Akhtar" To: Subject: FW: UNDP-APDIP Survey on Internet Policy Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:37:13 +0800
Dear Subbiah,
Last week we rolled-out a major regional survey on Internet governance priorities in the Asia-Pacific region (covering over 40 countries) and, to-date, we already have over 300 responses from most countries. However, there have been only 37 responses to-date from your country.
While I am aware that the demands upon your precious time are many, please do take a few minutes to take a look at it at http://survey.igov.apdip.net
Maximum outreach is key to the success of the survey, so we have made the online questionnaire available in twelve major languages of the region. However, in order to reach all stakeholder groups and countries, we very much depend on your help to get the word out. May I therefore request you to broadcast the announcement below to your electronic mailing list(s) and those that are relevant nationally. And if you find a few moments to complete the questionnaire yourself, that would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Warmest regards,
Shahid -----------------------------------------------
UNDP-APDIP Survey on Internet Policy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region
As a complement to UNDP Asia Pacific Development Information Programme's (UNDP-APDIP) on-line discussion Forum on Internet Governance Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region, which has a very lively debate on-going at present on Internet governance (-please visit http://igov.apdip.net/opening_discussion/subscribe in order to subscribe or view the archives), UNDP-APDIP in cooperation with UN-ESCAP and APNIC and IDRC, is conducting a major survey on Internet policy issues in the entire Asia-Pacific region.
The survey intends to reach out to all stakeholder groups, public and private sector, Internet developers and industry, as well as civil society and normal Internet users in the Asia-Pacific region. By aiming at such a diverse target audience the findings should provide important insights into the priorities in Internet policy in your own country and also how these preferences vary for different stakeholders and across countries.
The results of the survey will also be conveyed to the U.N. Working Group on Internet Governance and the identified priorities will help us focus our own research efforts on the most pressing topics.
All information provided, will be treated in strict confidentiality. It will only be used in anonymous form by UNDP-APDIP and it will not be passed on to any third party.
It would be most helpful, if interested parties can complete the questionnaire in the next few days. It will not take more than a few minutes to complete.
In order to participate, simply visit http://survey.igov.apdip.net , which is the English version of the survey and which comes with a brief introductory note as well as links to all other language versions of the survey questionnaire.
Shahid Akhtar Programme Co-ordinator, UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia www.apdip.net
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Ms.Smita Chandra
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
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Cross posted with apologies. Please invite participation from colleagues at your organization for this very important policy making initiative by the UN, which was also mentioned by Dr.N.Hothi at the ICIM2005.
Smita Chandra
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
New Mumbai
Subbiah Arunachalam
From: "Shahid Akhtar" To: Subject: FW: UNDP-APDIP Survey on Internet Policy Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:37:13 +0800
Dear Subbiah,
Last week we rolled-out a major regional survey on Internet governance priorities in the Asia-Pacific region (covering over 40 countries) and, to-date, we already have over 300 responses from most countries. However, there have been only 37 responses to-date from your country.
While I am aware that the demands upon your precious time are many, please do take a few minutes to take a look at it at http://survey.igov.apdip.net
Maximum outreach is key to the success of the survey, so we have made the online questionnaire available in twelve major languages of the region. However, in order to reach all stakeholder groups and countries, we very much depend on your help to get the word out. May I therefore request you to broadcast the announcement below to your electronic mailing list(s) and those that are relevant nationally. And if you find a few moments to complete the questionnaire yourself, that would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Warmest regards,
Shahid -----------------------------------------------
UNDP-APDIP Survey on Internet Policy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region
As a complement to UNDP Asia Pacific Development Information Programme's (UNDP-APDIP) on-line discussion Forum on Internet Governance Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region, which has a very lively debate on-going at present on Internet governance (-please visit http://igov.apdip.net/opening_discussion/subscribe in order to subscribe or view the archives), UNDP-APDIP in cooperation with UN-ESCAP and APNIC and IDRC, is conducting a major survey on Internet policy issues in the entire Asia-Pacific region.
The survey intends to reach out to all stakeholder groups, public and private sector, Internet developers and industry, as well as civil society and normal Internet users in the Asia-Pacific region. By aiming at such a diverse target audience the findings should provide important insights into the priorities in Internet policy in your own country and also how these preferences vary for different stakeholders and across countries.
The results of the survey will also be conveyed to the U.N. Working Group on Internet Governance and the identified priorities will help us focus our own research efforts on the most pressing topics.
All information provided, will be treated in strict confidentiality. It will only be used in anonymous form by UNDP-APDIP and it will not be passed on to any third party.
It would be most helpful, if interested parties can complete the questionnaire in the next few days. It will not take more than a few minutes to complete.
In order to participate, simply visit http://survey.igov.apdip.net , which is the English version of the survey and which comes with a brief introductory note as well as links to all other language versions of the survey questionnaire.
Shahid Akhtar Programme Co-ordinator, UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia www.apdip.net
___________________________________________________________ ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com Dgroups is a joint initiative of Bellanet, DFID, Hivos, ICA, IICD, OneWorld, UNAIDS --- You are currently subscribed to c3net as: smitac_in@yahoo.com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-c3net-110020V@dgroups.org **********************************************************************************� Ms.Smita Chandra Librarian, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism Kalamboli Highway, New Panvel, New Mumbai 410 218 Maharashtra, INDIA Ph .: 91-022-27484137 (9.30AM-6.00PM, excluding Sat/Sun) Fax : 91-022-27480763 Email : mailto:iiglib@iigs.iigm.res.in iiglib@iigs.iigm.res.in �(official) ����������������� mailto:smitac_in@yahoo.com smitac_in@yahoo.com �(personal) ********************************************************************************** Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=29916/*http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250 Learn more.
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Smita Chandra