Tribute to Late M N Seetharaman

Please publish following text in LIS-Forum---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I felt sorry to read the demise of Shri M.N.Seettharaman. I worked under him at NAL Library during 1975-76 and also came in to contact with on several occasions - during ILA conference at IIT, Madras, his lecture at KALA, etc. Initially he was working in "Information & Coordination" dept of NAL. When the position of Librarian at NAL fell vacant in early 1970s, he volunteered to undergo training at INSDOC, New Delhi, and became Office-In-Charge (ICA-NAL). He was also lucky to get training in Library automation at Luxemberg. Library profession is greatly benifitted by his entry. He was a dynamic and knowledge oriented personality. With his skills in collection development, resource sharing and interaction with fellow librarians NAL became centre of professional activities. After his retirement from NAL I learnt that he became consultant to Govt. of Afghanistan for a short period and then joined IIT, Madras as Librarian. ILA annual conference was organised at IIT, Madras in 1991, during his tenure which I attended.It was a well organised event. I am greatly influenced and befitted by his dynamic personality. I owe to him for many achievements done in Library & Inf.Sc profession. May his soul attain Moksha. D.Vasudeva PatwardhanRtd.Sr.Librarian
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D.V. Patwardhan