U.S. BioDefense Launches First Patent Search Engine to Model Google Strategy

Dear Professionals, U.S. BioDefense, on Feb 28th announced that the launch of T2X.us ( http://www.t2x.us), "The #1 High Tech Transfer Search Engine", which is developing a search engine identifying intellectual property modeling the successful business model functionality of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and LookSmart. U.S. BioDefense staff currently uses the search engine to accelerate the identification of stem cell and biodefense intellectual property acquisition programs. Programmers are now updating its T2X search engine for more robustness in preparation for a commercial version launch. T2X is a search engine facilitating innovation exchange connecting VC's, small business, and public companies seeking technologies with universities, government agencies, and scientists. Over $30 billion is invested in innovation each year and much of the new technology developed is never put to commercial use. T2X is an online Technology Transfer Exchange where commercial members can identify technology that is available for licensing or partnering from universities, research labs, and scientists. Numerous tools are available on T2X.us including an abstract research for technology at the National Institutes of Health and the functionality to search for technology available for licensing. Searchable technologies consist of vaccines, drug discovery, nano technology and general biology from sources such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Harvard's Office for Technology Transfer, University of California at Irvine Office of Technology Alliances, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Small Business Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The T2X search engine will also be integrated into U.S. BioDefense's Open Source Stem Cell Research and Development Platform, which promotes collaboration amongst researchers, scientists and industry experts in the field of stem cell technology. T2X's ability to help identify intellectual property will boost the functional value of the open source platform helping participants explore the full realm of possibilities for research and development. **************************************** Sreeharsha BG KM Group i2 Technologies ‘One i2 Place’ #132 / 133, DivyaSree Technopolis Yamalur Post, Off Airport Road, Bangalore 560 037. Phone: +91-80-3028 8293 Email: sreeharsha_gopalakrishna@i2.com visit us @ www.i2.com **************************************** Happiness is easy... It's easier than we think!!!
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