Knowledge Society, Societal GRID and Knowledge Sharing
I would like to present some extracts Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam'srecent speech. These are on Knowledge Society, Societal GRID andKnowledge Sharing. -------------------------------------------------------- Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.INAUGURAL ADDRESS AT THE PARTNERSHIP SUMMIT 2006, 17-01-2006. KOLKATA ..."The whole purpose of education in a country is to develop andenhance the potential of our human resource and progressivelytransform it into a knowledge society. The knowledge society will be asociety producing products and services that are rich in both explicitand tacit knowledge, thus creating value added products. The realcapital of this knowledge society will be its knowledge components.The society will be highly networked to create knowledge intensiveenvironment along with enabling process to efficiently create, share,use and protect knowledge. Our education system should re-align itselfat the earliest to meet the needs of the present day challenges and befully geared to participate in the societal transformation throughinnovation, which is the key to competitiveness. It should alsodevelop a global outlook. India has many strengths. It has to reachout and make our individuals and institution capable of succeeding ina competitive world".... "The core of the connectivity model is Electronic Connectivity forprosperity of one billion people is the partnership betweengovernmental and multiple institutions in the public and privatedomains. The strength of this partnership for collaborative growth andeconomic prosperity is facilitated by free flow of knowledge andinformation in a seamless manner cutting across levels and boundariesembracing all walks of life in the three sectors of the economy suchas Agriculture, manufacturing and services sector.".. ..."To maximize the synergy between the various components ofeducation, healthcare, e-governance, rural development we need toestablish connectivities among them. These connectivities willcertainly bring seamless access and information flow among the variousdomains leading to maximization of GDP and productivity; hence, thereis need for establishing the GRIDs namely Knowledge grid, healthcaregrid, e-governance grid and the PURA knowledge grid. Thisinterconnecting grid will be known as societal grid. Knowledgesharing, knowledge utilization and knowledge re-use is very vital byall constituents of the society for promoting non-linear growth."... --------------------------------------------------- --Sukhdev Singh.
participants (1)
Sukhdev Singh