Write Off of Books Rules
Dear Professional colleagues! We are to undertake the Stock Verification of our Books and other documents. The Total collection of this Library is about 75,000 documents. Please send attached documents or rules relating to Stock Verification of Library documents and the Writing Off Procedure/ Rules of your library. Your kind help will be highly appreciable. With warm regards: Dr. Nabi Hasan Assistant Librarian cum Library System Administrator University Library, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Palampur (H.P.)- 176 062 (India) Phone: 01894-283184 (Direct), 01894-230361 (O) Cell- 9418149447, 01894-234571 (R) E-Mail: nabihasan@rediffmail.com nabihasan@gmail.com Web: http://hillagric.ernet.in --------------------------------- Jiyo cricket on Yahoo! India cricket Yahoo! Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time. Dear Professional colleagues! We are to undertake the Stock Verification of our Books and other documents. The Total collection of this Library is about 75,000 documents. Please send attached documents or rules relating to Stock Verification of Library documents and the Writing Off Procedure/ Rules of your library. Your kind help will be highly appreciable. With warm regards: Dr. Nabi Hasan Assistant Librarian cum Library System Administrator University Library, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Palampur (H.P.)- 176 062 (India) Phone: 01894-283184 (Direct), 01894-230361 (O) Cell- 9418149447, 01894-234571 (R) E-Mail: mailto:nabihasan@rediffmail.com nabihasan@rediffmail.com mailto:nabihasan@gmail.com nabihasan@gmail.com Web: http:// hillagric.ernet.in Jiyo cricket on http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail/in/mailcricket/*http://in.sports.yahoo.com/crick... Yahoo! India cricket http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail/in/mailmobilemessenger/*http://in.mobile.yahoo.c... Yahoo! Messenger Mobile Stay in touch with your buddies all the time.
participants (1)
Dr. Nabi Hasan