Half Day Workshop on "Research Impact Metrics and Publication Ethics". Date and Time: 27 July 2024 - Saturday 2.00 to 4.30 PM. Venue: Seminar Hall, Presidency College (Autonomous), Kempapura, Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560024
Respected sir, I am requesting your kind approval for publishing. Thank you. Dear LIS Professionals, You are cordially invited for Half Day Workshop on *"Research Impact Metrics and Publication Ethics"*. *Date and Time:* 27 July 2024 - Saturday 2.00 to 4.30 PM. *Venue:* Seminar Hall, Presidency College (Autonomous), Kempapura, Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560024 *No Registration Fees* *Resource Person:* Dr. I R N Goudar, Ex Scientist 'G' and Head, ICAST, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bengaluru. *Details:* *Session I** : 2.00 – 3.15 PM* *Research Impact Metrics: *Research quality, Metrics - Article level, Author level, Institution level and Journal level (Publications, Citations, Impact Factor, SNIP, FWCI, CiteScore, SJR, h-Index, i10 Index, Article level metrics, etc.) *Session II **: 3.30 – 4.30 PM* *Research Misconduct and **Publication Ethics: *Academic Integrity - Fabrication, Falsification, and Plagiarism, Predatory Journals, Selecting Journals for Publication, UGC - CARE Journals, Avoiding Plagiarism, Publication Ethics - Authors, Editors, Reviewers, Publishers, etc. COPE and other initiatives for Publication ethics. *About Resource Person: *Dr. I.R.N. Goudar has delivered >500 invited talks including *more than 150 solo half day/full day workshops covering topics like* *Academic Writing, Literature Reviewing, AI Tools for Literature Review, Systematic Reviews, E-Resources for Academic Research, Open Access, **Pirate/Illegal PDF Sources*, *Quality and Visibility of Research, **Research Impact Metrics, Research Misconduct,* *Tips for* *Avoiding Plagiarism, Choosing Journals for Publishing, UGC - CARE Journals, Research Publication Ethics, *etc. for the benefit faculty and research scholars across different disciplines from Fine arts to Social sciences to Biological, Medical, Physical and Engineering sciences of >180 institutions all over the country. Dr. Goudar, a Fulbright Scholar has more than 42 years of rich professional experience in institutions like NAL-Bengaluru, IITM, IICT-Hyderabad, CFTRI-Mysore and L & T -Mumbai including post retirement service as Visiting Professor and Library Adviser at Mysore and Bangalore Universities. Dr. R Suchitra, Professor and Principal Dr. Venkatesha, Chief Librarian Presidency College (Autonomous), Kempapura Hebbal , Bengaluru - 560024 -- Dr. VENKATESHA Phone: 9901221454
Hi Everyone, We have a few use cases where the organizations intend to upload their organizational documents in digital libraries. Because manual cataloguing will require significant resources, we proposed an LLM based approach. Using the LLM-based solution, we would first convert the images of the relevant pages, if the pages are not text format already and then ingest the texts into LLM. Relevant pages from the PDF document will then be ingest into GPT (primarily OpenAI) to provide the digital library Editor with auto-suggested document index (catalog data), summaries for abstract, and keywords. The index data is then posted into digital library’s catalog API as draft catalog for the Editor to review and edit. We would be interested in hearing experiences from the community and level of accuracy you are getting in your implementation. Best regards, Atanu Atanu Garai SocialWell w: www.socialwell.nethttp://www.socialwell.net/ LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/socialwell/ | Twitterhttps://twitter.com/SocialWellNet
participants (2)
Atanu Garai
Venkatesha Patela