Dear Sir/ Mam,
One of the student in our institution need this articles.
Could any one have this articles kindly help us by sending full text a copy
of the same. to * * this
*1. Rao S*, Ovchinnikov N, Jagessar A, Rao TR, Gajula SS and Rao AVC
(2011):An Unusual Case of Congenital Anomaly of the Heart. Revista
Argentina de AnatomiaClinica, 3 (1):57-63
2. Isitor GN, *Rao S*, Nayak SB (2011): Autofluorescent vesicular
structures in hematoxylin and eosin stained duodenal mucosa of the domestic
cat.West Indian Journal of Veterinary Science 2009, 9 (2) 27-32.
3. *Rao S, *Rao TR, Davis EM, Ovchinnikov N & Mc Rae A (2008): The effect
of diagnostic ultrasound during the fetal period on learning & memory in
mice. Annals of Anatomy, 190 (1), 37-45.
4. *Rao S, *Ovchinnikov N and Mc Rae A (2006).Gestational stage sensitivity
to ultrasound effect on postnatal growth and development of mice. The Birth
Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 76(8), 602-608.
5. BS Nayak, *Rao S*, Rao AVC, Pillai GK, Davis EM, Ramkissoon V and McRae
A (2005)*. *Evaluation of wound healing activity of *Vanda roxburghii
R.Br (Orchidacea)*– a preclinical study in a rat model. International
Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 4 (4); 200-204.
6. *Rao S, *Uma Devi P, Ovchinnikov N and McRae A (2002): Long-term effects
of diagnostic ultrasound during fetal period on postnatal development and
adult behavior of mouse. Life Sciences 71, 339-350.
7. *Rao S*, UmaDevi P &Baskar R (1996): Changes in mouse behavior induced
by fetal exposure to diagnostic ultrasound. Indian Journal of Experimental
Biology, 34, 895-897.
Naveen K .S
*Chief Librarian,*
Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences,
Holehonnur Road,