[ELF] The Grey Journal: An international journal on grey literature

The Grey Journal: An international journal on grey literature / D.J. Farace (Journal Editor); J. Frantzen (Technical Editor); GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service. - Amsterdam: TextRelease, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2005. This serial publication appears three times a year - in spring, summer, and autumn. Each issue in a volume is thematic and deals with one or more related topics in the field of grey literature. The Grey Journal appears both in print and electronic formats. The Grey Journal (TGJ) is a flagship journal for the grey literature community. It crosses continents, disciplines, and sectors both public and private. The Grey Journal not only deals with the topic of grey literature but also is itself a document type that is classified as grey literature. It is akin to other grey serial publications, such as conference proceedings, reports, working papers, etcetera. The Grey Journal is geared to Colleges and Schools of Library and Information Studies, as well as, information professionals, who produce, publish, process, manage, disseminate, and use grey literature e.g. researchers, editors, librarians, documentalists, archivists, journalists, intermediaries, etc. http://www.greynet.org/pages/5 (See this link for contributor information). ISSN 1574-1796 (Print) ISSN 1574-180X (E-Print/CD-Rom) -- Posted By Engg-Lib-Forum from India to ELF at 6/30/2010 12:41:00 AM -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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Engg-Lib-Forum from India