Dear Members , From last twenty days we have received so many massages on UGC NET exemption for M.Phil,Phd students why you Library Professionals are taking it unstandardization of Education . You know level of research work in our country from last ten years are going down at very rapid pace because students intend to go to prepare for exam and they bye pass the reseach ,intellctual process of education . Exemption for M.Phil and Phd student is the only way to incease the research level. Think about research in scinece and other stream where a single idea if you generate and patent it can earn good reputation and money for country. So don't think exemption of NET for M.Phil and Phd student is decreasing our education standard. In my opinion We should impliment the NET Exam to get Admission in M.Phil and only after M.Phil students can enrollin Phd this should be the model . secondly if any one who cleared UGC _NEt in library science with old traditional syallabus how can teach new concept and technology application in Libraries to students . if UGC Net exam cleared person don't have good Communication skills how he/she can teach student ? I have seen so many students who cleared NET exam and could ' manage to get any Job in Private College . Raj Kumar Bhardwaj Asstt Librarian Punjab and Haryana High Court Chandigarh --------------------------------- Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Dear Members ,
From last twenty days we have received so many massages on UGC NET exemption for M.Phil,Phd students why you Library Professionals are taking it unstandardization of Education . You know level of research work in our country from last ten years are going down at very rapid pace because students intend to go to prepare for exam and they bye pass the reseach ,intellctual process of education . Exemption for M.Phil and Phd student is the only way to incease the research level. Think about research in scinece and other stream where a single idea if you generate and patent it can earn good reputation and money for country. So don't think exemption of NET for M.Phil and Phd student is decreasing our education standard. In my opinion We should impliment the NET Exam to get Admission in M.Phil and only after M.Phil students can enrollin Phd this should be the model . secondly if any one who cleared UGC _NEt in library science with old traditional syallabus how can teach new concept and technology application in Libraries to students . if UGC Net exam cleared person don't have good Communication skills how he/she can teach student ? I have seen so many students who cleared NET exam and could ' manage to get any Job in Private College . Raj Kumar Bhardwaj Asstt Librarian Punjab and Haryana High Court Chandigarh Ring'em or ping'em. Make http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman11/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/ev... PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
Dear Member Can any one give me title of the following Article : Our faculty requirement : 1. Author : D.K. Basu and S.P. Sen Title : Journal : Proceedings of National Institute of Sceince : 1959, 25, 215-221. Regards. Arun DR. ARUN KUMAR CHAKRABORTY Fulbright Visiting Researcher 2005-2006 in Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, Virginia, USA Ph :540-231-3615 LIBRARIAN BOSE INSTITUTE, KOLKATA, INDIA MAIN CAMPUS: 93/1 A.P.C. ROAD, KOLKATA 700 009 INDIA PH: 91-33-2350 2402/03, FAX: 91-33-2350-6790 CENTENARY CAMPUS : P1/12 CIT SCHEME - VII-M, KOLKATA 700 054 INDIA PH: 91-33-2355 9544, 9416, 9219 FAX: 91-33-2355 3886 Ph(Res): 33-2672 1192, 3892, E-MAIL: akc@bic.boseinst.ernet.in
participants (2)
Dr. Arun K. Chakraborty
Raj K Bhardwaj