*Call for Papers*
CLIS-2019 welcomes submissions of research and scientific papers, case
studies, working papers, etc. related to all aspects of challenges facing
library and information services primarily based on the themes and sub
themes of the conference. The paper submitted should have neither been
published anywhere nor kept under consideration for publication in any
form. All papers will go through a comprehensive review process and
accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings/Edited Book
to be released in the inaugural session of the conference.
The final papers should be submitted to: *clis.amu2019@gmail.com
*Author’s Guidelines*
The text of paper should be written in MS word, format with A4 size, 1.25
margins (Top, Bottom, Left & Right), 12 font size, Times New Roman, 1.5
line space. The Paper must be written in English and should not exceed 5000
words, with an abstract of 300 words. The style of citations and references
is APA Style of referencing, 6th edition.
*Conference Timeline*
The last date of submission of papers: 25th
December, 2018
Notification of the acceptance of papers:
30th December, 2018
*Conference Date:
21st – 23rd February, 2019*
*Conference main theme: *Challenges in Library and Information
Services: Strategies and Tools
*Conference Sub-themes*
· *Emerging and Innovative Technologies in Libraries*
o Community Based Information Systems
o Sustainable Models of Information Society
o Library as community/learning spaces
o Cloud Computing and its application in Libraries
o Data Science, Data analytics
o Crowd Sourcing and Libraries
o Green technologies in Libraries
o MOOCs and OERs
o E-learning as a platform for knowledge access
o Institutional Repositories, data Repositories and Metadata Standards
o Discovery and Remote Access Tools & Services in Libraries
o Designing of Libraries as “Learning Commons.”
o Information visualization
o Semantic web and searching
o Community engagement and digital libraries
· *Digital Collection Development and Access Management*
o Collection development and discovery
o Data mining and extraction
o Best Policies and Practices in digital Collection Development
o Preservation and Management of Knowledge Products
o Re-defining policies and best practices in library collection
o Repositories: Development, Preservation and challenges
o Collection Development Policies in digital era
o Management and accessibility of e-resources
o Demand-driven acquisition and access strategies
o Digital Library Consortia: Challenges and Future Perspectives
o Digital Preservation and Access Management
· *Content Development, Management and Access Tools*
o Research data infrastructure, management and use
o Creating, managing and using dynamically generated content
o Social sustainability and digital libraries/ archives
o Digital Content Creation and Management
o Retrieval and Access Mechanisms
o Knowledge Management, Sharing and Transfer
o E-resource access and management
o Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Crowdsourcing
o Knowledge Discovery Tools- Web and Linked data
o Socio-technical perspectives of digital content
· *Trends in Digital Library Services*
o Learning and Virtual Organizations: Collaborative Tasks
o Personal Information Management and Digital Libraries
o User Generated Content and Personalised Information
o Digital Library Management and Administration
o Digital Cultures and Digital Literacy
o Sustainability of digital libraries
o Usability and accessibility aspects of digital libraries
o Impact of Social Media on Library Services
o Semantic Web and Online learning
o Digital Library Education
o Multimedia Content Management
o Semantic and Ontology, Taxonomy Management
· *Social media and Innovative Library Practices*
o Information Sharing Models/Consortia
o Information Networks and Protocols
o Social Media, Social Web and Social Network Analysis
o Virtual Community services
o Collaborative Campus Service
o Integration of Social Networking Tools: Digital Media Commons
o Bits to Big data-Web data mining, storage and accessibility
o Mobile Social Networking and Mobile web
o Integration of next generation social media tools-Web services
o Web enabled cloud Library system and services
o Email and SMS integrated services
o Discovery and Remote Access Tools & Services in Libraries
o Analytics /Big Data Opportunities for Library Professionals
o Applications of Social media in digital services
· *Strategies and Tools of Library Services to Users*
o Impact of Big Data on Library Management
o Strategies and Challenges in Archiving and Sharing Research Data
o Big Data Collection, management and Storage
o Big Data Mining and analytics
o Role of Libraries in data Management and Analysis
o Library User Engagement Strategies
o Personalized Services to Library Users: Tools
o Knowledge Access: National and International Cooperation and
o Service Models for Library Users
o Search Strategies, Techniques in Intelligent Information Retrieval
o Library Security Tools, Technologies and implementation
· *Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Digital environment*
o Distance Learning
o E-Collaboration
o Information Ethics and Issues/Plagiarism and fair use
o Ethics and ethical practice, privacy in digital collection building,
management and access
o Information Security Management
o Measuring and Improving Services: Strategic Tools
o Information Technology for Sustainable Development
o Database license, Service delivery models
o Lack of skilled manpower – models and training methods
o Digital Rights Management: Issues and Solutions
o Issues in Digital Preservation and Access Management
o Performance Measurement and Competitive Ownership
o Partnership and collaboration of libraries in Digital Environment
o Data Security and Standards
o Analytics /Big Data Opportunities and Challenges
o Access Control and Security
o Challenges in Managing Modern Libraries
For any query, please contact:
*Dr. Nishat Fatima*
Organizing Secretary,
Department of Library and Information Science,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh - 202002.
E-mail ID: *nishatfatima20@gmail.com *
Mobile No.: +91-9358258463
*Dr. Muzamil Mushtaq*
Joint Organizing Secretary,
Department of Library and Information Science,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002.
E-mail ID:*naikoomuzamil@gmail.com *
Mobile No.: +91-8979249718
*Dr. Muzamil Mushtaq*
Department of Library and Information Science,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,
U.P., India - 202002
Contact No. : +91-8979249718.
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