Extension of the last date for submission of papers for the National Conference- TMALDEN-2014
From: meeraanandsbmjc@rediffmail.com Date: Sun, November 30, 2014 10:57 am Dear All, Due to huge number of requests from delegates to extend the last date of submission of papers for the National Conference on "Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment (TMALDEN-2014)" organized by Jain University, the last date of submission has been extended till 6th December 2014. For brochure details, please visit the website- http://www.jainuniversity.ac.in/PDF/2014-15/TMALDEN-2014-broch.pdf For Registration form, please visit the website- http://www.jainuniversity.ac.in/PDF/2014-15/TMALDEN-2014-regForm.pdf For queries, contact: Meeramani N, Organizing Secretary (TMALDEN-2014), Librarian, Jain University, 44/4, District Fund Road, Behind Big Bazar, Jayanagar 9th Block, Bangalore- 560 069. Ph: 080 43430920 Mob: 9845500343 E-Mail: n.meeramani@jainuniversity.ac.in
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