Workshop in University of Mumbai
Dear Professionals As a part of Sesqui-Centennial Celebrations of University of Mumbai , the Department of Library & Information Science is going to conduct several workshops, seminars and lectures on various topics pertaining to the current trends int he profession during the coming two years. The first one is a workshop cum seminar scheduled for (-10 August, 2006. All the reference librarians and instruction librarians especially those working in the academic institutions are cordially invited to attend the event. This event has been conceived with the idea that information literacy is the need of the hour especially for the students, researchers and scientists. And to train the users, reference and instruction librarians should be made conversant with the skills of teaching and conducting effective short term instruction programmes, using instructional technology. Many of you would be receiving the brochures in the coming week. Attached herein is a part of the same along with registration form. Please make use of the same. Looking forward to your participation, Ravija Srivastava Lecturer Dept of Library & Information Science University of Mumbai Vidyanagari, Kalina Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai 400098 Ph. 91-022-26526679 Mo. 9819325070 E-mail ID : INTRODUCTION Information Literacy is an important aspect of lifelong learning in the present competitive world replete with abundant information sources in various forms and formats. In libraries and information centers the reference librarians have traditionally provided bibliographic instruction or user education or library instruction to the users. Information literacy instruction covers all of them implying that information professionals strive to employ the users of information with a set of skills required to be able to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information effectively in the desired manner. As a necessity in many academic and research libraries it has become a core activity. Therefore the professional librarians need to be equipped with instructional techniques that can make the instruction programmes in the library more effective. This workshop is the first of its kind involving experts from the fields of Library & Information Science and Education. OBJECTIVES The workshop cum seminar aims to enable the participants 1. To know the elements of information literacy instruction 2. To know the elements of instructional technology 3. To design a customized training schedule for a single user or a group of identified users 4. To assess the effectiveness of their training programme METHODOLOGY The resource persons will use lecture method of instruction supported by exercises and activities suitable to the topic covered. Interactive sessions will be held at the end of the day. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Reference Librarians and other information professionals in academic and research libraries who regularly conduct information literacy instruction sessions (formal or informal) will benefit from this workshop by learning how to structure their instruction programmes in a technical manner. VENUE Auditorium, Department of Library & Information Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Library, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santa Cruz (E), 400098. DATE 9th & 10th August, 2006. REGISTRATION Registration Fee : Rs.800/- (including Breakfast, lunch, workshop kit and study material) Accommodation : Arrangement can be made in the Guest House within University Campus if intimated well in advance. Contact Persons: 1.Mrs. Ravija Srivastava Lecturer Department of Library & Information Science University of Mumbai Vidyanagari, Kalina Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai 400098 Ph. 91-022-26526679 Mo. 9819325070 E-mail ID : 2.Prof. (Dr.) S.R. Pandya Head, Department of Education University of Mumbai Vidyanagari, Kalina Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai 400098 Ph. 91-022-26526226 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 9th August, 2006 9.30a.m. Registration 10.00a.m. Keynote Speech 11.00a.m. Tea Break 11.30a.m. Session 1 : Instructional Strategies with special reference to Information Literacy 1.00p.m. Lunch Break 1.30p.m. Session 2 : Learning Styles 3.00p.m. Tea Break 3.30p.m.Session 3 : Critical Thinking Skills 5.00p.m. Interactive session 10th August, 2006 9.30a.m. Session 1 :Instructional Design I 11.00a.m. Tea Break 11.30a.m. Session 2 : Instructional Design II 1.00p.m. Lunch Break 1.30p.m. Session 3 : E-Learning 3.00p.m. Tea Break 3.30p.m. Session 4 : Evaluation & Assessment 5.00p.m. Interactive session 5.30p.m. Valedictory REGISTRATION FORM Name : Dr./Mr./Ms._____________________________________________________ Name of organization :_________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph.(off.)______________(Mob.)__________________Email____________________ Designation :________________________________________ Accomodation Required : Yes / No Details of Payment : ___________________________________________________ (Cheques and Demand Drafts to be in the name of Librarian, University of Mumbai payable at Allahabad Bank, Kalina branch.) Signature --------------------------------- Yahoo! Groups gets better. Check out the new email design. Plus theres much more to come. Dear Professionals As a part of Sesqui-Centennial Celebrations of University of Mumbai , the Department of Library & Information Science is going to conduct several workshops, seminars and lectures on various topics pertaining to the current trends int he profession during the coming two years. The first one is a workshop cum seminar scheduled for (-10 August, 2006. All the reference librarians and instruction librarians especially those working in the academic institutions are cordially invited to attend the event. This event has been conceived with the idea that information literacy is the need of the hour especially for the students, researchers and scientists. And to train the users, reference and instruction librarians should be made conversant with the skills of teaching and conducting effective short term instruction programmes, using instructional technology. Many of you would be receiving the brochures in the coming week. Attached herein is a part of the same along with registration form. Please make use of the same. Looking forward to your participation, Ravija Srivastava Lecturer Dept of Library & Information Science University of Mumbai Vidyanagari, Kalina Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai 400098 Ph. 91-022-26526679 Mo. 9819325070 E-mail ID : INTRODUCTION Information Literacy is an important aspect of lifelong learning in the present competitive world replete with abundant information sources in various forms and formats. In libraries and information centers the reference librarians have traditionally provided bibliographic instruction or user education or library instruction to the users. Information literacy instruction covers all of them implying that information professionals strive to employ the users of information with a set of skills required to be able to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information effectively in the desired manner. As a necessity in many academic and research libraries it has become a core activity. Therefore the professional librarians need to be equipped with instructional techniques that can make the instruction programmes in the library more effective. This workshop is the first of its kind involving experts from the fields of Library & Information Science and Education. OBJECTIVES The workshop cum seminar aims to enable the participants 1. To know the elements of information literacy instruction 2. To know the elements of instructional technology 3. To design a customized training schedule for a single user or a group of identified users 4. To assess the effectiveness of their training programme METHODOLOGY The resource persons will use lecture method of instruction supported by exercises and activities suitable to the topic covered. Interactive sessions will be held at the end of the day. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Reference Librarians and other information professionals in academic and research libraries who regularly conduct information literacy instruction sessions (formal or informal) will benefit from this workshop by learning how to structure their instruction programmes in a technical manner. VENUE Auditorium, Department of Library & Information Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Library, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santa Cruz (E), 400098. DATE 9 th & 10 th August, 2006. REGISTRATION Registration Fee : Rs.800/- (including Breakfast, lunch, workshop kit and study material) Accommodation : Arrangement can be made in the Guest House within University Campus if intimated well in advance. Contact Persons: 1.Mrs. Ravija Srivastava Lecturer Department of Library & Information Science University of Mumbai Vidyanagari, Kalina Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai 400098 Ph. 91-022-26526679 Mo. 9819325070 E-mail ID : 2.Prof. (Dr.) S.R. Pandya Head, Department of Education University of Mumbai Vidyanagari, Kalina Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai 400098 Ph. 91-022-26526226 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 9 th August, 2006 9.30a.m. Registration 10.00a.m. Keynote Speech 11.00a.m. Tea Break 11.30a.m. Session 1 : Instructional Strategies with special reference to Information Literacy 1.00p.m. Lunch Break 1.30p.m. S ession 2 : Learning Styles 3.00p.m. Tea Break 3.30p.m. Session 3 : Critical Thinking Skills 5.00p.m. Interactive session 10 th August, 2006 9.30a.m. Session 1 : Instructional Design I 11.00a.m. Tea Break 11.30a.m. Session 2 : Instructional Design II 1.00p.m. Lunch Break 1.30p.m. Session 3 : E-Learning 3.00p.m. Tea Break 3.30p.m. Session 4 : Evaluation & Assessment 5.00p.m. Interactive session 5.30p.m. Valedictory REGISTRATION FORM Name : Dr./Mr./Ms._____________________________________________________ Name of organization :_________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph.(off.)______________(Mob.)__________________Email____________________ Designation :________________________________________ Accomodation Required : Yes / No Details of Payment : ___________________________________________________ (Cheques and Demand Drafts to be in the name of Librarian, University of Mumbai payable at Allahabad Bank, Kalina branch.) Signature Yahoo! Groups gets better.** Check out the new email design. Plus theres much more to come.
participants (1)
ravija srivastava