Deadline Date extended for submission of papers for the 2-Day UGC Sponsored National Conference at Bantwal
We have received many papers for the UGC sponsored 2-day National Conference on 'Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era" to be held on September 27th & 28th, 2013 at Sr Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, D K, Karnataka, however due to a number of requests from the authors the deadline date for the receipt of the paper for submission for the conference has been extended to 30th August 2013. Conference proceedings will be published with ISBN Number. Acceptance of the paper will be intimated before 10th September 2013. The proceedings will include only those papers for which the registration fee has been paid on or before 5th September 2013. For further details please visit the website The sub themes of the conference are : * Digital Library techno;logies * Knowledge management * Digital preservation * Open access to knowledge * Emerging technologies: web 2.0, mobile technologies, open source softwares. * Information Literacy * User studies * Best practices * Library management * Library networking & consortia * Soft skills and so on A very modest registration fee with very good accommodation facilities will be provided so that large number of professionals can attend the conference. Please send the papers before the deadline. Dr Sujatha H. R. Organising Secretary Librarian (S G) and President (DKKLA) Sri Venkataramana Swamy College Bantwal -574211, D K Karnataka
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