Undelivered messages
Dear Members, This has reference to my mail 'Problem with the circulation of certain LIS-Forum mails', accessible at http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/pipermail/lis-forum/2013-June/015152.html The problem cited in the above posting remains unresolved. In the recent past, I have noticed that several of the approved mails have not been delivered to the the members who are are receiving lis-forum mails in 'non-digest' mode. Some such messages include: 1. Sad demise of Dr S S Kumbar, posted by Sujatha H R hrsujatha at yahoo.com, archived copy of the msg accessible at: http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/pipermail/lis-forum/2013-June/015203.html 2. National Workshop on Resaerch Methodology and Statistical Tools, posted by Lata Suresh, suresh.lata at gmail.com, archived copy accessible at: http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/pipermail/lis-forum/2013-June/015202.html 3. Dr R Guruprasad, Scientist, CSIR-NAL receives 'Special Mention Certificate - Research' EET CRS Science and Technology Awards 2013], posted by mailman at ncsi.iisc.ernet.in, archived copy accessible at: http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/pipermail/lis-forum/2013-June/015209.html To see all the messages that were approved for circulation for the month of June 2013, you may visit, http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/pipermail/lis-forum/2013-June/date.html The lis-forum archive from Apr 2003 - to date, is accessible at: http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/pipermail/lis-forum/ - moderator
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