---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:28:20 -0500
From: Sandy Payette
To: diglib@infoserv.inist.fr
Subject: [DIGLIB] Fedora 2.0 Press Release
Hello there,
Below (and attached) please find the press release for Fedora 2.0. The
Fedora Project provides powerful open-source digital repository software and
is a joint developed effort by Cornell University and the University of
Virginia with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
For more information go to the project web site at: http://www.fedora.info/
- Sandy Payette
For Immediate Release
Fedora 2.0 - A Powerful Open-Source Solution for Digital Repositories
The Fedora Project (http://www.fedora.info) is proud to announce the release
of version 2.0 of the Fedora open-source digital repository software. This
release represents a significant increase in features and functionality over
previous releases. New features include the ability to represent and query
relationships among digital objects, a simple XML encoding for Fedora digital
objects, enhanced ingest and export interfaces for interoperability with
other repository systems, enhanced administrative features, and improved
documentation. More than ever, Fedora is capable of serving as the
foundation for many types of information management applications, including
institutional repositories, digital libraries, records management systems,
archives, and educational software.
As with prior versions of the software, all Fedora functionality is exposed
through web service interfaces. At the core of this functionality is the
Fedora object model that enables the aggregation of multiple content items
into digital objects. This allows objects to have several accessible
"representations." For example, a digital object can represent an electronic
document in multiple formats, a digital image with its descriptive metadata,
or a complex science publication containing text, data, and video. Services
can be associated with digital objects, allowing dynamically-produced views,
or "virtual representations" of the objects. Historical views of digital
objects are preserved through a powerful content versioning system.
The new Fedora 2.0 introduces the "Resource Index" which is a module that
allows a Fedora repository to be viewed as a graph of inter-related objects.
Using the Resource Description Framework (RDF), relationships among objects
can be declared, and queries against these relationships are supported by an
RDF-based triple store. Fedora 2.0 also introduces "Fedora Object XML"
(FOXML) which is a simple XML format for encoding Fedora digital objects. To
support multiple XML standards, Fedora's ingest/export interface has been
enhanced, permitting digital objects to be encoded in different formats.
Currently, there is support for METS and FOXML. In future releases other XML
formats will be supported, including MPEG21-DIDL. Other new features include
a mass-update utility for modifying objects, a new administrative reporting
interface, improved documentation, and tutorials.
The Fedora open-source software is jointly developed by Cornell University
and the University of Virginia with generous funding from the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation. Fedora 2.0 marks the final milestone in Phase I, a three
year project to develop the core Fedora Repository system. Now underway,
Fedora Phase II is a three year development project that will focus on
advanced features including workflow, digital preservation, policy
enforcement, information networks, and federated repositories.
For more information, contact Ronda Grizzle (rag9b@virginia.edu), Technical
Coordinator; Sandra Payette (payette@cs.cornell.edu), Co-director Cornell
University; or Thornton Staples (tls@virginia.edu), Co-director University of
Sandy Payette
Cornell Information Science
301 College Ave.
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14850-4623
Tel: (607) 255-9222
URL: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/payette