Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:59:37 +0530
From: Shalini R Urs
UN4IM- UNESCO Training Program in Information Management is being
organised at ISIM@IIITB
This Programme is supported by UNESCO and other organisations. There are
five fellowships available for information workers from India.
Those interested may apply for the same. The last date for receiving
applications is March 30,2005
Details of the Programme available at the website-
Details below-
UN4IM -The UNESCO Training Programme for Information Management is
envisioned to be a training programme with a difference-
* Blending onsite ( face to face) with distance education mode. A
unique six-month training programme based on a 1-4-1 month model- the
first (May-June) and final month (November-December) face-to-face and
the in-between four months distance mode.
* Course Content- focused on ICT tools and technologies for
Information Management.
* Adopting/adapting different learning modes-lecture based theory,
practice oriented hands on. Achieving a balance between discourse and
demonstration; teaching and training, perception and performance
* This programme is scheduled from May 9 to December 2, 2005. The
first phase of the one-month face-to-face training is scheduled from May
9- June 3, 2005. The final face-to-face training programme is scheduled
from November 7- December 2, 2005.
o The Training Programme will have 20 participants from different
parts of Asia-pacific. This will be held at the International School for
Information Management @ Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Bangalore, India ( ISIM@IIITB)
* The participants are required to be attending the UN4IM at the
ISIM@IIITB during period of May-June and November-December. The
intervening four months, they will go back to their workplace and work
on the projects through the distance mode.
Dr.Shalini R. Urs
Information and Communication Division
Professor and Chairperson
Department of Library and Information Science
University of Mysore
Fax -91-821-2519209