Comment on "Blogers predict extinct of libraries."

I would like to react to the following lines. [Commenting on our Library Associations is not worth it.]
Blogers predict extinct of libraries. It is the habit of IT professionals, when they start clicking the mouse, they consider >themselves as "Bill Gates".
We would be cutting our own roots if we keep on ignoring the warning
signals expressed in blogs of common citizens. We can level them
insane - but let me stress again here - Perception is more important
than the product. For example look at the perception of a citizen of
"Libraries are limited, obsolete"
"As a long-time resident of Lawrence, and one who has devoted his
entire life to education, I have followed the debate concerning a new
library for Lawrence with great interest. As a parent of three
students, two in college and one teenager at Southwest Junior High, I
have witnessed a stunning transformation in the way kids access and
use information technology. All that I see as a parent reinforces what
I see at work every day"
He continues -
1. Libraries are inefficient.
2. Libraries are limited.
3. Libraries are obsolete.
"...ask yourself a few questions. When was the last time you were at
the library? When was the last time you logged on? Why is that?..."
On the other hand people like Michael Stephens, who is technology and
web 2.0 savvy and promoting the concept of Library 2.0 are defending
the role that libraries could play in the online scenario. Check out
his reaction to the above perception - "why libraries are important to
all communities"
He has Ten points in his argument:
-Libraries are not going away.
-Online Social Libraries Build Community
-Libraries do need to focus on emerging trends, tech or otherwise, to
be nimble and viable
-Libraries need better marketing strategies and a re-invigoration of the brand
-Technology changes, but libraries don't
-Libraries will benefit from the next wave of MLIS grads
-Libraries need to serve all users and offer them materials and access
of their liking
-Librarians can be guides, counselors and teachers
-Libraries need to share their stories
-It's up to us
I do agree with him that ultimately "IT'S UP TO US" whether we sense
an opportunity in the next generation libraries or keep feeling
insecure and get extinct.
But I have high hopes from fresh MLIS Graduates.
--Sukhdev Singh.
On 04/10/06, sankaran arumugam
Dear friend,
We wish u success in ur new project.
Blogers predict extinct of libraries.
It is the habit of IT professionals, when they start clicking the mouse, they consider themselves as "Bill Gates".
As ur topic is Intenet, first try to locate the official websites of Indian Library Association,( ILA), and Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC). The links available in different websites, search engines lead to some online library services and not to the websites of Associations. For the past two months I have been trying to locate them without referring any print medium source.
It is very sad the associations are not aware that their website address is misused by some others. Don't they check their websites now and then.
Some of the websites i checked:, harishchandra., american library association.
This is the status of our associationswhich issupposed to take care of the welfare of library professionals. If it is so, why not bloggers predict the extinct of libraries.
If u get the correct website address, please inform me.
Thanks & Regards
Sankaran A Dy. Librarian THE HINDU Chennai - 2 shaji joykutty
wrote: Dear fellow companions I have registered for my doctorate, the broad topic is Internet, growing preference of WWW google among students faculty research scholars, new roles for librarians. I would like to have your scholarly inputs in this regard. Specially when blogers are predicting the extinct of libraries to the like of dodo and dinosaur, we should prove that libraries and librarians can never die but they are going to evolve yet again with redefined roles and competencies. Kindly put in your scholarly inputs lovingly your fellow companion in the race to reinvent our profession saramma shaji ethiraj college for women chennai --------------------------------- Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business._______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list Want to be your own boss? Learn how on* Yahoo! Small Business. _______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list
participants (1)
Sukhdev Singh