Dear All, Being an information professional who has to gather information for the user one should not limit himself to any language, which definitely limit his career to a particular geographical area are culture. Today we are living in a world which has Global Village concept hence a professional need not limit himself to any language or geographical area. Always the user requirement varies and it has no limit of language are geographical area English being a widely used language and much of the literature are available in it. It is better one should learn English and be proficient user and interact in it whenever it is required. From the day one British came to India we have learning resources of English language, let us make better use of it and let us take it as a positive step. I would even go one step further by saying that we should not only limit ourselves to English if it is possible we should try to learn as many languages as possible which are widely used through out the world. It not only improves the efficiency of an individual but also access to information, which is very important for the information professional. This being a positive point in the career development of an Individual let us take this as a postive initiation and let us try to be open and retain our values rather limiting ourselves to any language or confining to a limited area While learning any language we should keep in mind the quote given by our Nations Father Shri. M K Gandhi that �I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and windows to be stuffed. I want the culture of all lands to be blow about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blow off my feet by any of them� Thanking you all, GANESHA T.K. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250
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