Call for Papers - DigiTTAL 2019- Date Extended for Paper Submission - Regards.

*Dear Sir/Madam/Friend,* *Greetings from NITK Surathkal, MANGALORE ! * As we have received many requests from the prospective authors, the last date for submission paper is extended to *November 10, 2019.* It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, one of the top-ranked technical institutes in the country is celebrating it's *Diamond Jubilee Year (1960-2020).* As part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the Central Library, NITK Surathkal is organizing an *International Conference on Digital Technologies and Transformation in Academic Libraries (DigiTTAL 2019)* during *December 26-28, 2019.* The conference theme & sub-theme, conference brochure, instructions for paper submission, registration, important deadlines and other related details are given on the conference website at ** Authors can submit their full papers through an e-mail attachment to indicating the sub-theme the paper belongs to. The format and the references of the paper should be as per the DigiTTAL-2019 Paper Template available on the conference website at NEW DATES FOR PAPER SUBMISSION: Last date for submission of full papers : *October 31, 2019 November 10, 2019* Notification of Acceptance : *November 15, 2019 November 20, 2019* Last date for Registration : *December 20, 2019* *You can register for the conference online at* Look forward to your active participation in the conference. With best wishes, ____________________________________________ *Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi* *Librarian | Central Library * National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal Srinivasanagar MANAGALORE 575 025 Ph: 0824-247 3061 / 4062 | Cell: 9892907384 e-Mail: | URL: Profile: ____________________________________________
participants (1)
Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi