Fw: [GOAL] {Disarmed} Sustainable Practices for Populating Open Access Repositories

[Forwarded message from Kathleen Shearer] Hi there, The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)is kicking off a new project to collect and disseminate sustainable, replicable best practices related to populating repositories. The project will result in two outputs: (1) A public report highlighting best practices and including selected case studies. (2) A new section of the COAR website to include links to related resources such as documents, handouts, presentations, and posters. We are particularly interested in collecting advice and experience of institutions in areas such as: · Lessons learned: what’s worked and what hasn't? · Workflows or strategies to gather content and populate repositories over time. · Long-term staffing, operational plans, or campus partnerships that have lead to consistently higher rates of deposit. · Automated processes to gather content and populate repositories. · Any other long-term activities or operations that resulted in higher levels of article deposit. The focus of this project is on long-term, sustainable activities, strategies, and operations – i.e. ways in which organizations can improve deposit rates or increase the content in their repositories on a permanent basis. How to Contribute: Please identify any: · Resources or practices at your institution that you consider to be relevant. · Individuals and/or institutions from your region or country that we should contact. · References to other activities that you are aware of being implemented elsewhere. Email [mkshearer@videotron.ca] any documents that you think might be relevant including handouts, brochures, articles, websites, or your own description of an initiative. We will be collecting and reviewing information in March and April and will be producing a report that will be made freely available on the COAR website in the spring 2012. Further details are available on the project’s page on the COAR website: http://bit.ly/coar-sbpfpr. Thanks in advance for your input. M. Kathleen Shearer Research Associate Canadian Association of Research Libraries mkshearer@videotron.ca (514) 847-9068 skype: kathleen.shearer2 _______________________________________________ GOAL mailing list GOAL@eprints.org http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/goal -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Subbiah Arunachalam