Salute to Prof.Eugene Garfield

TheModerator, Pleasepublish the following in Lis-Forum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I feltvery sad to learn that Prof.Eugene Garefield is no more. Though citationindexing was followed in indexing legal cases in U.S.A., Prof.Eugene Garefield wasthe pioneer in large scale implementation of this concept in the fields of science,Humanities and Social Sciences. I was also fortunate enough to attend his ThreeDay Lecture programme titled “Scientific Information & Citation Studies”sponsored by Sarada Ranganathan Endowment and held at DRTC on Nov. 14-16, 1983.Prof.Ganesh Bhattacharya chaired thelecture programme. The "Citation Indexing" was much different from conventional "subject Indexing" and hence received much appreciation and also ctiticism from the audience. I summerised entire lecture programme and the same was highlyappreciated by then R&D bosses at Kirloskar Electric Co.Ltd., Bengaluru. Prof.EugeneGarefield’s major contribution is commercial exploitation of the concept ofCitation Indexing by publishing “Science Citation Index”, “Social ScienceCitation Index” and “Humanities Index” and making them available to scholarly worldfor many decades. The “Current Contents” was published by Institute ofScientific Information on weekly basis and the same was very popular amongscientific community. We,Library & Information Science professionals salute Prof.Eugene Garefieldfor his immense contributions. D.V.Patwardhan Sr.Librarian(Rtd.) Global Academy of Technology Bengaluru-560098
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D.V. Patwardhan