---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: "hariharan_ah@yahoo.com"
Date: Sat, October 28, 2017 10:56 am
National Conference on
Date: - 1st December 1st - 2nd December 2017
Oganized by
Dept of Library,
Sri Saradapuri, Karur - 639 005.
Jointly with
District Central Library, Karur
Sponsored by
Digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between economic and
social inequality or rich and poor with regard to access to modern
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and resources which
include the telephone, television, personal computers, internet and
library and information resources. Right to Access to Information and
Information for All are essential for all developments in a society for
survival and sustainability. The âDigital Indiaâ movement and the
Digital India policy transform India into a digitally empowered society
and knowledge economy by harnessing digital technologies. In this era of
Information Age, Information explosion happens every day through ICT.
Academic and Public Libraries play a vital role not only in bridging the
digital divide by providing access to information resources to their
users and the society using ICT but also train them how effectively access
and use the information. Libraries impart information literacy skills
which are the essential skills of the 21st century to their users which
bridge the digital divide. Libraries have a recognized social function in
making knowledge publicly available to all. They serve as local centers of
information and learning, and are local gateways to national and global
knowledge. - National Knowledge Commission (2007).
Papers are invited on the following themes:
Access to Information: Information explosion - Importance of information-
Information for All- Information Rich and Information Poor
Digital Divide- Reasons â implications â ICT â Limitations
Connecting Digital Divide:Â Role of national and International bodies â
ICT- Harnessing technologies for bridging digital divide
Digital India: Digital Policy â Govt. Initiatives â Digital
Transactions â Policy for Libraries
Digital Transactions in Libraries â acquisition â transaction - service
Role of Libraries in Connecting Digital Divide â Digital Content
Creation and management - Building Knowledge Repositories -
Digitization - Digital Learning â Course materials â tutorials â
using various software
DigitalLibrary Projects in India: Digital Library of India â Resource
sharing â consortia - e-ShodhSindhu â Shodhganga- NPTEL â Digital
Library of India project- National Science Digital Library- how libraries
can make use of these projects to provide digital service
Information Literacy (IL): IL components â Models â Standards â IL
Skills â train the public to use digital/ICT
Role of social media in connecting digital divide
Digital Benefits â for Community and Society
Objectives of the Conference
The conference provides an opportunity to the participants to discuss:
- Importance and access to information and information for all
- Reasons and implications of digital divide
- Bridging the Digital Divide using technologies
- National and international initiatives to reduce the digital divide
- Digital India programmes, policies and initiatives in bridging digital
- Role and initiatives of libraries in connecting digital divide
- Information Literacy and IL Skills/training to the users
- Digital library services to the users through mobile and Social media
- Benefits to the society
Instructions to Contributors:
Contributors are requested to send a soft copy of their papers through
e-mail and Hard Copy along with signed Copyright Transfer form.
The document should be typed in,
- A4 sheet, Single Column,1.16 line space, Times New Roman font 10 size
- Titles should be in bold, font size 12, full UPPERCASE.
- Sub-Titles should be in bold, font size 11, First Letter alone Uppercase.
- Author affiliation below the title should be in font size 9
- Abstract should have maximum 200 words, and 5 keywords
- Maximum 6 pages, References as per APA Style.
Publication of conference proceedings
- The abstracts of the selected papers will be archived on Indian
Conference -Abstracting Database ICon-AD. (www.iconad.in).
- Papers presented in the conference after scrutiny by the board of
editors alone shall be published in the post-conference proceedings
bearing an ISBN Number.
- Best Paper Presentation Awards will be given
Instructions to Authors:
- The maximum number of authors per paper must be only three.
- The maximum number of papers either by collaboration or individually, is
only two.
- Only papers submitted along with the registration fee shall be
considered for presentation/publication in the conference.
- Last Date for Paper Submission is 30th October, 2017.
Target Audience:
LIS Professionals, Scholars, Students and also other Academicians from any
discipline those who have interest in Knowledge acquisition and
dissemination can participate & present their papers.
Location : Karur to Dindugul via Esanatham.
Bus Nos. : From Bus Stand - No.14, Dindugul Bus, MMM Bus, MND Bus.
Registration Fee:
Early Bird Registration Fee : (Till November 20th, 2017)
Professionals : Rs 1000/- Full time Research Scholar Rs.700/- Students :
Rs.. 500/-
Demand Draft may be drawn in favour of âSri Sarada Niketan College of
Science for Women, Karur 639 005â, payable at Karur. Registration fees
include Conference Proceedings, Kit, Working Lunch and Refreshments.
Last Registration Fee till 25th Nov 2017
Professionals : Rs 1100/- Full time Research Scholar Rs.800/- Students :
Rs.. 600/-
Accommodation Details:
College hostel guest rooms can be arranged for Women delegates on sharing
basis against the advance payment of Rs 300/-.(including Food)
Soft copies & hard copies of the abstracts, and full paper may be sent to:
The Librarian
Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women
Esanatham Road, Kodangipatti Village, Sri Saradapuri, Karur 639 005.
Mobile : 9994435700, Email : saradaconf@gmail.com
Blog : http://www.confsarada.wordpress.com
Dr. A.HariharanSALIS