Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 23:02:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Banda Shankar
Respected all,
Here is a way to convert your from 6MB to 100MB if u have
not done it.
Follow the steps
1. Login to your Yahoo! Mail account
2. If you see only 6MB, go to Mail Options
3. Select Account Information from the left of the screen
4. You'll be asked for your password again. Enter it.
5. You will see the Membership Information page
6. Copy your url into notepad.
7. Copy the below url page also into notepad\/\
8. Copy your scrumb code (this should be the last 11characters of your url
after "scrumb=") from your url and replace it in the two places of my
url(above one) where the scrumb code is. Copy this url (modified url,
which has your scrumb code) back into your browser. Hit Enter..
9. Change your settings to English - US
10. Accept the New User Agreement
11. You will be logged out 12. Go to and re logon 13, You
will now see a 100MB mailbox 14. Enjoy
Banda Shankar
Student, DRTC
Indian Statistical Institute
Bangalore-560 059