2nd Call for Papers - RIBDA 2009 - Technological Innovation in Open Access for Agricultural and Environmental Information

XV Inter-American Meeting for Librarians and Agricultural Information Specialists, RIBDA-2009 "Technological Innovation in Open Access for Agricultural and Environmental Information” Peru, National Library, Lima - 27, 28, 29, October, 2009 Official website!!! http://www.aibda.com/ribda/ 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS --- May 1st, 2009!!! The Inter-American Association of Librarians and Agricultural Information Specialists, is pleased to invite all the professionals related to the management of agricultural and environment information, to participate in the fifteenth Edition of the Inter-American Meeting for Librarians and Agricultural Information Specialists Meeting to be held at the National Library of Peru, Lima, on 27th-29th October 2009. TOPICS 1.) Open Access to information in Agricultural Innovation in Latin and North America State of the Art - Research and Analysis. Promotion of Open Access movement (OA), applied to institutions around the world, such as FAO, focusing on the effort to reduce the access barriers to information. 2.) Perspectives on Open Access and Technologies for Information Management Exchange among creators, managers and users of information the technological possibilities for transferring information through Digital repositories, under quality standards for analysis and dissemination. 3.) Professional-Social Networks and Local Information Systems Emphasize the impact of OA movement in Latin America and North America, under Public information Policies, Local Information Systems, Tele-Centers and Specialist Management. Guarantee the multiple and intellectual property on scientific and ancestral knowledge in agricultural sciences through public and ethics information resources. 4.) Other issues and topics related, e.g. difficulties in accessing to agricultural or environmental information PRESENTING PROPOSALS FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS * The deadline for submitting the abstract along with complete author's details is by May 1st, 2009 * Abstracts (500 words minimum, maximum 900) to be submitted at http://www.aibda.com/eventos/index.php/ribda/2009/schedConf/cfp * Must include a provisional title which clearly identifies the content, stating the main topic of the work * It can be in Spanish, Portuguese or English. * The author(s) should indicate personal full contact details and include summary curriculum vitae with the abstract Once reviewed, selected abstracts will be published in mid-May 2009 ELECTION OF ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS The work proposed will be reviewed by the XV International RIBDA 2009 Academic Committee, under the following criteria: * Contribution to the conference objectives, addressing the themes proposed * Originality and validity of the analysis method, tools used and results obtained * Inclusive works on ancient knowledge, capturing their best practices * Scientific Consistency, clarity, simplicity and cleanliness in divulging the results. We are looking forward to see you in XV RIBDA 2009! http://www.aibda.com/ribda/ Imma Subirats On behalf of the RIBDA 2009 Organising Committee -------------------------------------------------- Information Management Specialist KCEW, FAO of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome (Italy) Tel: +39 0657054301 E-mail: imma(.)subirats AT fao(.)org -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Imma Subirats