Science & Technology Metrics 2023

Call For Papers Fourth International Conference on Science & Technology Metrics (STMet 2023) November 16-17, 2023 BITS Pilani Dubai Campus. UAE ( Building metrics is the key to science and technology measurement and translating the measures to work better. The metric is not confined to drawing numbers and analyze. Selecting a metric depends on synthesising multiple directions and evidence-based data. Producing benchmarks and standards in science and technology evaluation and implementing them with real data mark the full-fledged system. Recently, new metrics-based models are emerging to reflect science and technology growth. The proposed Science and Technology Metrics (STMet 2023) conference concerns how many metrics may involve assessing different aspects of science and technology, which are best expressed using different approaches. Besides the standard conference track and the Doctoral Symposium, STMetrics will host several workshops and tutorials related to the conference's theme. The workshops provide participants with a friendly, interactive atmosphere for presenting novel ideas and discussing their application of metrics in Science and Technology Systems. The goal of the tutorials is to enable the participants to familiarise themselves with theoretical and practical aspects and the application of metrics. The proposed conference comprises invited talks, presentations, tutorials, workshops and discussions. The STMet has tracks on specialised topics. The STMet address the below themes, not limited. Citation-based metrics Ranking of Journals, Institutions, and Countries Discipline and Domain Analysis Economic factors Databases and datasets for evaluation Evaluation Tools and Indicators Web-based metrics Visibility and impact Scientific Knowledge Diffusion Internationalization and Co-working in Science Research Data Access Science, Innovation and Economic Performance Public Research Systems Future S & T Policies Text-based Metrics Innovation indicators Wearable Devices Open data National Evaluation Systems Open access and open publishing New indices for evaluation Altmetrics Web-based metrics Data Science and Digital Repositories Scientific Visualization e-Science in the Cloud Scientific Journalism Scientific Publications Evaluation beyond Metrics All submitted papers will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), and participative peer review. The review process will enable the selection process of those accepted for their presentation at the international conference. Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can access the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers, so they can improve the final version of their papers accordingly. Mentoring support is available to young researchers and authors from developing countries. Selected post-conference modified versions of the papers will be published in the following journals. 1. Journal of Digital Information Management 2. Research in Production and Development 3. International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research 4. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics Important Dates Submission of papers September 25, 2023 Notification October 25, 2023 Camera-ready (post-conference version) January 05, 2024 (Final) Registration November 05, 2023 Post-conference version submission January 10, 2024 (Final) Conference Dates November 16-17, 2023 Program Committees Honorary Chair Srinivasan Madapusi, BITS Pilani, Dubai General Chair Grant Lewison, King’s College, UK Program Chairs Pit Pichappan, Digital Information Research Labs, India & UK Ramesh Kundra, NISTADS, India Valentina Markusova, All Russian Institute for S&T Information (VINITI), Russia Program Co-Chairs Amir Reza Asnafi, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran Kazuyuki, Motohashi, University of Tokyo, Japan Andrei Grinev, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia Workshop and Special Session Chair Ulle Must, Estonian Research Council at Archimedes, Estonia Plenary Speakers Giovanni Abramo (President-International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics), Grant Lewison, Ulle Must, Jean-Charles Lamirel, Valentina Markusova, and others. Accommodation We will fix hotels near the venue for the participants. We will update it shortly. Accommodation is also available at the host institution, including food. The fee for accommodation and food will be 150 UAE dirhams (40US$/3300 INR) per day. Paper Submission at Contact: -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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