Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 10:28:07 +1000
From: Dr. Muttayya
Dear Sir,
Kindly make available the following announcement to the members of the
with high regards
Dr. Muttayya K
Librarian, TISS
Dear Members,
World Social Forum (WSF) is taking place in Mumbai 16-21, January 2003.On
this occasion Network Institute for Global Democratization (NIGD), Bytes
For all, and Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library, Tata Institute of Social
Sciences are jointly organizing a library focused International Workshop
on Sunday 18th January 2004 at Mumbai. Details of the workshop can be
found on the website:
Theme: Democratization of Information with a Focus on Libraries
Date : Sunday 18th January 2004
Timing: 09.00am Registration
Venue: Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library, TISS, Mumbai
Coordinator: Dr.Muttayya Koganuramath, Librarian, TISS
IFLA Chair Ms.Kay Raseroka will be delivering the Key Note Address.
Theme: Democratization of Information with a Focus on Libraries
Sub themes for Panel Discussions
1. The right to memory
2. Library paradigm - library power
3. Alternative knowledge formation
4. Information literacy and capacity building
5. Open source systems in the library and on the net
6. Digital Divide
The list of Panel Members:
Dr. C.R.Karisiddappa,
President, Indian Library Association and
Professor and University Librarian, Karnatak Univeristy
Dr. T.A.V.Murthy, Director Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET),
Indian Universities Library Network (UGC) Ahmedabad
Dr. Mike Featherstone, Director, Theory, Culture & Society Centre
Professor of Sociology and Communications, Nottingham Trent University
Dr. Pandey S.K.Sharma, Principal Library and Information Officer,
University Grants Commission, New Delhi
Ms. Mirja Ryynanen, MA, lecturer and politician; (she chaired
Finnish Library Association 1991-1997)
Fred Noronha, Journalist, co-founder of Bytes for All, a South Asian
group of volunteers who work for IT for Social Changes issues.
Sunil Abraham Ayrookhuziel, Team leader of MAHITI company in Bangalore
Mr. Mikael Book, MA, Director, Katto-Meny Cooperative Society, Helsinki
Dr.E. Rama Reddy, University Librarian, University of Hyderabad
Dr.T.S.Kumbar, Librarian, Dhirubhai Institute of Information Technology,
Dr.Sangayya Shirurmath
Librarian and Head, NICMAN
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
A more complete list of speakers/panelists will be included in the
final programme.
I request you all to contribute your ideas, notes, articles etc on this
Spread the word about this in my opinion exceptionally interesting
workshop; tell about the webpages at to your friends and to all friends
of the libraries!
Yours sincerely
Dr.Muttayya Koganuramath
Coordinator and Librarian, TISS
Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
P.B.No.8313, Sion-Trombay Rd.,
Deonar, Mumbai 400 088, INDIA.
Ph: 91-22- 2556 3289-96; Extn.281(O)
91-22- 2558 3375(R)
Direct: 91-22-25513350
Fax: 91-22- 2556 2912
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