New Update and Call for Papers-MANLIBNET 2017 International Conference on 15-16 September 2017 at Jaipuria, Noida, India

Dear Sir/Madam This mail is to inform you about an important update regarding forthcoming MANLIBNET 2017 International Conference on “Innovation in Library Technology, Services and Resources – Current Trends in Libraries Globally” to be held on 15-16 September 2017 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, India. *Please note that selected papers of the conference will be published in following journals* *Gyan Kosh* (Included recently in UGC list of Journals) *Journal of Library Management* (Refereed Journal of MANLIBNET) As you already be knowing, abstract submission date for the conference in 15 June 2017, hence you are requested to submit your abstract at the earliest. Conference details and brochure can be downloaded from the conference Website This conference will witness some of the best mind in library professionals from over the globe and not just restricted to India who will be discussing various innovation done by them at their respective workplaces and other topics related to innovation in libraries management. I am sure you will find its contents relevant and would like to become a part of it. Looking forward for your paper and participation in the conference. *BACKGROUND* Automation and digitalization of libraries has a topic of past decade and both of these are considered as a must for any library today. What is currently trending and emphasized upon is innovative practices adopted by libraries globally those attract and bind the users to the library. Some libraries talk about more and more technology adoption; RFID technology, mobile-apps for providing user services; reaching to the patrons at their doorstep, opening library kiosks i.e. to bring library services to the users. Others talk about innovative library facilities aspect that include being knowledge partner rather than a resources provider only; continually training and guiding the users in using library resources. Facilities also include developing facilities for differently abled sections of the users. Another aspect of innovative practices in libraries includes innovation in resources development and procurement. This aspect encompasses again technology aspect as well as order on demand or pay per view procurement and so on. Innovation in staff management and overall management of library and its operations are some other important dimensions. New technology and methods are adopted by various libraries for efficient and timely delivery of their services to users. Publishers are also using innovative technologies in producing and providing contents to the libraries. Rather than just books or journals, they are developing interactive and comprehensive learning modules where one can learn at his/her pace; can judge the performance or understanding levels and so on. Innovation in libraries also include introducing new services that directly appeal to users and as per their changing requirements. Innovation is not static and new innovative practices keep evolving as per change in users’ needs, technology and resources. Innovation is a continued journey. Keeping the above aspects in mind, Management Libraries Network in association with Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida is organizing an International Conference on “Innovation in Library Technology, Services and Resources - Current Trends in Libraries Globally” on 15-16 September, 2017 at Jaipuria, Noida campus. This conference will provide a platform for LIS professionals, teachers, practitioners, researchers, students and users to understand and also explain any innovation practice used by them in terms of Technology, Services and Resources at their respective workplaces. *THEME AND SUB-THEMES OF THE CONFERENCE* Papers are invited related to but not limited to conference theme and subthemes from LIS educators, faculty, practitioners, researchers, students and library users. The below given list is an indicative and authors are free to contribute papers on any topic of their choice falling within broad umbrella of innovation in libraries. *CORE THEME:* *INNOVATION IN LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES AND RESOURCES - CURRENT* *TRENDS IN LIBRARIES GLOBALLY * The core theme of the conference seeks to understand the current trends in innovative practices used in any library in any part of the world so as to find answers to the innovation required at an individual library as per its own requirement. *SUB-THEMES* *INNOVATION IN TECHNOLOGY* Emerging Technology used in Libraries Interactive and Integrated Learning Tools Mobile Applications Use of E-Wallets for Library Transactions, etc. New Trends in Digitalization Technology used in New Services Development Role of Technology in Outreach Activities Growing Penetration of RFID Technology Cloud Computing Big Data Use for Libraries Web Accessibility, Services and Applications Virtual Libraries Growing Role of Social Media *INNOVATION IN SERVICES* Developing Services according to Changing Needs of Users Innovation in New Services Launch for Direct Appeal among Users Innovation in Developing Libraries Facilities Innovation in Outreach Services Innovation in Infrastructure Development for Virtual/E-library Innovation in Providing Remote Access to Resources *INNOVATION IN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT* Books to E-books E-books to Interactive Books Innovation in Institutional Repositories, etc. Dealing with IPR Issues in Resources Distribution *INNOVATION IN LIBRARIES MANAGEMENT FACILITIES* Green Libraries Innovation in Building Design Evolving New Partnerships and Networking Innovation for Differently Abled People Needs *INNOVATION IN FINANCIAL PLANNING* New Ways of Budgeting New Ways of Acquisition Marketing Library Services for Better Finances Consortia Approaches in Procurement Dealing with Service Tax Compliances *INNOVATION IN PEOPLE MANAGEMENT* Understanding New Skills and Competencies Requirements Library Staff Training Collective Voice for Appropriate Status and Compensation *AUTHOR GUIDELINES* All the authors are required to adhere to the following conference guidelines. For complete author guidelines, please refer to the conference website: or on a) An abstract of about 500 words must be sent before or by Abstract Submission Last Date. b) Only after approval of abstract, full paper should be sent by the author(s). c) The length of paper: about 5000 words; single spacing; Times New Roman - 12 font size. d) The paper should highlight the current trends/issues. e) The paper should be submitted in word format only. f) The first page should contain title, author(s) name(s), contact details of all authors, an abstract of 500 words and keywords. g) The second page should have the title of the article followed by the text. h) Pictures/tables/charts/diagrams should be in B/W. i) APA style of writing should be followed throughout the text and in references. j) Full papers can be mailed to and to k) Correspondence will be made only with the principal author. l) Paper presenters will receive certificates at the conference after paper presentation by at least one of the authors of the paper and registration by all authors, if certificate for all authors are required. m) Accepted full paper should be submitted along with registration fee to consider the paper for including in conference proceedings. Note: All the papers submitted for conference will go through blind review process both by the editors and reviewers. Based on the recommendations from reviewers, the authors will be appropriately communicated about the paper. *IMPORTANT DATES* Last Date for Abstract Submission: June 15, 2017 Last Date for Abstract Acceptance Communication: June 21, 2017 Date for Full Paper Submission: July 31, 2017 Date for Notification of Acceptance of Full Paper: August 7, 2017 Last Date for Registration: August 30, 2017 Conference Dates: September 15-16, 2017 *REGISTRATION DETAILS* *Types of Delegates* *Residential* *Non-Residential* *From India (In Rs.)* *International (In US$)* *From India (In Rs.)* *International (In US$)* MANLIBNET members 4000 200 2500 125 Non-MANLIBNET members 5000 250 3000 150 Students/Retd, Professionals 3500 175 1500 75 Accompanying persons (No kit etc) 2500 125 1000 50 Ch/DD favouring: *Management Libraries Network* For wire/NEFT transfer: bank details are given below *BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS OF MANAGEMENT LIBRARIES NETWORK* *Bank Account Details of Management Libraries Network* Beneficiary’s Name MANAGEMENT LIBRARIES NETWORK Bank Name Bank of Baroda Savings Bank Account No. S.B. A/c No. 06230100003820 Branch Name & Address Surya Kiran Bldg, 19 K. G. Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001 MICR No. 110012021 RTGS Code BARB0CURZON NEFT Code BARB0CURZON IFSC Code BARB0CURZON SWIFT Code BARBINBBOND *Note:* Accommodation, where applicable, means twin sharing accommodation in hostels/guest houses/budget hotels for 14th and 15th September, 2017 nights only and needs to be vacated latest by 16th September before 12 o’clock. Participants however may extend their stay with separate payment. Baggage may be deposited in institute’s library on 16th September, 2017. Participants are expected to arrange and cover their own travel up to the venue. However, the organizers will take care of to and fro arrangements of participants from guest house/hotels booked by the organizers during the days of the event. *ABOUT MANLIBNET* ( MANLIBNET was established in 1998 at the first convention jointly organized by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) and Ahmedabad Management Association. The association was established with the primary objective of providing a platform to improve the common understanding among management and business libraries and to promote effective collaboration and resource sharing. *HOW TO REACH THE INSTITUTE * Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida lies very close to National Highway NH-24, at A32A, Sector – 62, Institutional Area, Noida – 201309 in Delhi-NCR region immediately after crossing the Delhi-UP border from Delhi Side. It is well connected through air, railway and bus routes. Nearest airport is Indira Gandhi Airport, New Delhi and nearest Railway Station is Anand Vihar, New Delhi. From Airports/ Railway Stations or Bus Terminals, cab services like UBER/OLA can be hired and using google maps one can easily reach to the campus. Metro Blue Line Services can also be used either to Noida City Centre or Vaishali, the last stations of Metro Blue Line for Noida and Vaishali and auto can be hired to reach the campus. Autos generally charges between Rs. 80/100 from these stations to reach the campus. *MANLIBNET BEST PAPER AWARD* MANLIBNET- Best Paper Award (Certificate + cash prize of Rs. 10,000 sponsored by Bharat Book Bureau) will be awarded to the best paper written and presented in the conference. The winner will receive the award during the valedictory program. *MANLIBNET BEST LIBRARIAN AWARD* MANLIBNET Best Librarian 2017 will be awarded to the winner chosen by MANLIBNET Award Committee. This EBSCO Publishing sponsored award carries a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and a certificate. The details about the selection of best librarian will be communicated separately by MANLIBNET. More details can be obtained from The executive Committee reserves the right to finalize the candidate from the applications received or to nominate someone other than those who have applied for the same. *MANLIBNET INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL GRANT* MANLIBNET travel grant of maximum up to Rs. 65,000/- instituted by Bharat Book Bureau is given to eligible members for presenting their papers at International conference outside India. Only MANLIBNET members are eligible to apply for the same. Please follow the link for more details. *For queries, brochure and registration form, sending papers or registration, please contact:* *Mr. Jitender Sharma, Organizing Secretary – MANLIBNET 2017* Senior Librarian & Co-Editor - JIJMR Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida A-32A, Sector 62, Opp. IBM, Noida P: +91 120 4638300-01 | Ext: 322 M: 98996 95953 | F: +91 120 2403378 E-mail:;;; -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Jitender Sharma