Vacancy for the post of Librarya Assistant at RVCE
Dear Professionals, There is a vacancy for the post of Library Asst. Qualification M L I Sc.(regurlar Course). Knolwdge of computer is essential.The candidate should be well conversent with library packages, access to digital resources and web portals.Good communication skills.Experience preferable. Apply on or before 20th July 2006 to With regards, Yekanath N Kamble Asst.Librarian R V College of Engineering, Mysore Road, BANGALORE-59 YEKANATH N KAMBLE ASST.LIBRARIAN R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE-59 (INDIA) PH.91-80-28600351/28604705/28600184 FAX : 91 - 80 - 2860 0337 MOBILE.9448585358 --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. Dear Professionals, There is a vacancy for the post of Library Asst. Qualification M L I Sc.(regurlar Course). Knolwdge of computer is essential.The candidate should be well conversent with library packages, access to digital resources and web portals.Good communication skills.Experience preferable. Apply on or before 20th July 2006 to With regards, Yekanath N Kamble Asst.Librarian R V College of Engineering, Mysore Road, BANGALORE-59 YEKANATH N KAMBLE ASST.LIBRARIAN R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE-59 (INDIA) PH.91-80-28600351/28604705/28600184 FAX : 91 - 80 - 2860 0337 MOBILE.9448585358 Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the* all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
participants (1)
yekanath kamble