Award of Ph.D. Degree to Mr. M T Basavaraja
Dear All Library Professionals,
*Tumkur University*, vide Notification No.
TU/Exam/Ph.D/C.W-02/F.No.27/2018-19/992 dated 4th October 2018, declared *Mr.
M T Basavaraja* to have qualified for the award of the degree of *Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.)* in Library and Information Science. Title of the Thesis
is “*ICT Literacy Competencies Among Rural and Urban Students: The Role* *of
School Libraries in Bridging the Digital Divide*”, and carried-out research
under the guidance of *Dr. B T Sampath Kumar*, Professor, Dept of Studies
and Research in Library and Information Science, Tumkur University. Please
join with me to congratulate Mr. M T Basavaraja for securing highest
academic degree and becoming *Dr. M T Basavaraja*.
At present, he is working as Librarian at Learning Resource Centre (Central
Library), Acharya Institutes, Bengaluru.
With Regards,
*Dr. K Ramakrishna Reddy*
*Chief LibrarianAcharya Institute of TechnologyAcharya
InstitutesHesaraghatta Main RoadAcharya Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
RoadSoldevanahalli, Achitnagar (Post) Bangalore - 560 107Phone:
080-28396011 /28376431Mobile: 9739038652Residence: 080-23461829E-Mail:
participants (1)
Ramakrishna Reddy