Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 22:12:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Mr.Bhojaraju G

Dear All, JRD Tata Memorial Library, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore requires for the following temporary positions. You may please circulate this to the eligable candidates. 1. Project Trainee ( Two Numbers) Duration: Six Months Qualification : Ist Class B.E ( Computer. Sci or Information. Tech.) Stipend : Rs.6500/-Per Montth (fixed) 2. Temporary Trainee ( One Number) Duration: one year Qualification : Ist M.L.I.S or equivalent Stipend : Rs.4000/-Per Montth (fixed) Eligable candidates may submit their bio-data with relevant certificates in the Library Office. ###################################### Puttabasavaiah Serial Control Unit & Computer Unit In-Charge JRD Tata Memorial Library Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560 012 INDIA. Phone: 080 - 3942610 (Off.) 080 - 3942820 (Res.) E-Mail: bas@library.iisc.ernet.in http://www.library.iisc.ernet.in #######################################
participants (2)