Dear Professionals,Please send following articles if you have in your library. PaediatrAnaesth. 2006Apr;16(4):406-9.A pilot study of the rectus sheath block for paincontrol after umbilical hernia repair. Isaac LA1, McEwen J, Hayes JA, Crawford MW. Masui. 2009Oct;58(10):1306-9. [Case of inguinal hernia repair withtransversusabdominis plane block and rectus sheath block]. [Article in Japanese] Tanaka M1, Azuma S, Hasegawa Y, Mori N, Takahashi N, Oku K, Hiramatsu R, Yasumoto K. Masui. 2010Aug;59(8):1039-41. [Ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block for upperabdominal surgery]. [Article in Japanese] Osaka Y1, Kashiwagi M, Nagatsuka Y, Oosaku M, Hirose C. Singapore MedJ. 2014 Mar;55(3):e39-41. Bilateral rectus sheath blocks as the singleanaesthetic technique for an open infraumbilical hernia repair. Quek KH1, Phua DS. with regardsRajkumar.V.KulkarniChief LibrarianS.Nijalingappa Medical College &H.S.K.Hospital & Research CentreNavanagar, Bagalkot- 587 103(Karnataka-India)Cell: 9945975403 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Rajkumar Kulkarni