Dear Friends: We have a Forum for Resource Sharing in Astronomy and Astrophysics, which has been in existence for over two decades. This is an informal group consisting of: RRI, IIAP, TIFR, PRL, IUCAA, NCRA, State Observatory, nainital and CASA-Osmania University, and has been doing excellent job of cooperation and coordination for information exchange in the ever changing IT environment. FORSA has to its credit two consortia, viz. Indian Astrophysics Consortium (Kluwer Journals, 2002+) and FORSA Consortium for Nature on-line (Nature Publishing, 2002+). At present it is looking forward for consortium formation with AIP and other publishers. We are happy to inform that FORSA has become a participant in INternational Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) during August,2003. Perhaps, this consortium is the first one from India to participaate in ICOLC, which has around 158 participants from across the world. For details, one can look into the following sites: ICOLC : http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/ FORSA : http://www.iiap.res.in/library/forsa.html WE shall be very much obliged if forum members provide us information on number of consortia formed in India (with year, with whom consortia is formed, and number of participants) so that it may help othersfor interaction while going into consortia formation. With regards, Y.M.PATIL FORSA COORDINATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raman Research Institute Library, Tel: +91 80 361 0122 C V Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar, Fax: +91 80 361 0492 Bangalore 560 080, India. Email: library@rri.res.in
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