Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 03:16:56 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Prof. N. Laxman Rao."
75% Professional Personal Junk Other (Please specify below.)
11.What is the source of your e-mail? (Percentage categories should add up to 100%.) Do Not Receive 0 to 25% >25% to 50% >50% to 75% >75% To/From your own work unit (team, department, etc) To/From your organization External to your organization 11a. Please estimate the percentage of your e-mail that is international. _____ 12. What do you do with your e-mail after you have read it? (Percentages could add up to more than 100.) I Do Not Do This 0% to 25% >25% to 50% >50% to 75% >75% Delete Save on e-mail Save on computer or disk Print Forward Other (Please specify below.) 13.On average, how many e-mails do you have in your primary in-box? _____ 14.Do you believe that your e-mail is confidential? _____Yes _____No 15.Viruses delivered via e-mail are a concern. Please check the statements that apply. ____ I have never received an infected e-mail. ____ I have never received an infected e-mail but others in my organization have. ____ I have received infected e-mails (if yes, please note how many times _____) ____ I have sent or forwarded e-mails infected with a virus. Section 3: E-mail usage compared to other communications methods The following questions compare different methods of business communication. (Please check your response.) 16.With which of these methods do you receive the quickest response? ____ E-mail ____ Phone ____ Letter ____ Fax ____ Other Please note the Other here: 17. With which of these methods do you receive the quickest solution to a problem, issue, etc? ____ E-mail ____ Phone ____ Letter ____ Fax ____ Other Please note the Other here: 18. Following are statements about communications preferences for you and your organization. For each statement, please rank your communications preferences from 1=LEAST preferred to 5 =MOST preferred. For example, if the phone is most efficient for you, place a 5 in the box for phone; if fax is least efficient, then place a 1 in the box for fax. E-mail Phone Fax Letter Face-to-Face Other Most efficient for you Most convenient for you Most preferred by you Most used in your organization Most important in your organization Please specify Other(s) _______________. 19. Does your organization have an official e-mail policy? ____ Yes ____ No ____ Not sure Section 4: Applications of E-mail 20. The following statements address uses of your work e-mail. For each statement, please check the box that applies. I use e-mail . . . Does Not Apply Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always To communicate with customers such as answering users questions To inform others of new products and services In place of memos To communicate with colleagues in other institutions To send notes with non-work content To schedule meetings To work on projects with colleagues To solve problems /resolve differences To negotiate contracts For job interview situations (as interviewer or interviewee) In place of phone calls Section 5: Advantages and Disadvantages of E-mail 21. Do you agree with the following assessments of the impact of e-mail on costs and communication? (Please check the box that applies for your rating for each statement.) Effect of E-mail Completely Disagree Not Sure Completely Agree Reduces paper handling Reduces overall cost Faster communication Improved communication effectiveness Integration of data communications with records management Section 6: E-Mail Writing Style 22. The following statements refer to possible differences between e-mail and other types of standard writing. (Please check the box that applies for each statement.) Always Sometimes Never I follow standard business writing in my business e-mails. I follow standard personal writing in my personal e-mails. I expect business e-mails that I receive to be of the same quality as business letters. I expect the personal e-mails I receive to be of the same quality as personal letters. Section 7: Comments 23. Please use the following space for any comments about the impact of e-mail on your work or your relationships within your organization that you would be willing to let us share anonymously with the group. We will preserve the confidentiality of all survey participants. Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey. Ruth A. Pagell ,Executive Director Goizueta Business Library Emory University 540 Asbury Circle Atlanta GA 30322 USA mailto:ruth_pagell@bus.emory.edu Deborah Valentine Lecturer, Management Communication Manager, Goizueta Business Writing Center
participants (1)
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