Workshop on DSpace and GSDL

Dear Professionals, SALIS Madurai Chapter Organising a two day Workshop on Building Digital Libraries using DSpace and GSDL at Madurai. The details of the workshop is given below. A.Hariharan SALIS ---------------------------------------------------- Workshop on Building Digital Libraries using DSpace and GSDL Jointly organised by Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science(SALIS), Madurai Chapter & Thiagarajar School of Management (TSM), Madurai Date: 27-28 Oct 2006. Venue: Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai Objectives The objective of the workshop is to provide ï§ Overview of the Metadata Standards ï§ Overview of the Open Archives Initiatives ï§ A first hand knowledge of the GSDL and DSpace ï§ Training in building digital library collection using DSpace and GSDL ï§ Training to build Institutional Repositories Coverage Digital Library, Digitization and OCR, Metadata Standards, Dublin Core, Overview of Open Access Archives and OAI-PMH, Over view of GSDL and DSpace (on windows), installation, configuration, collection building and Institutional Repositories/Archives Methodology Lectures, Presentation, Demonstration, Hands on Experience Resource Persons The workshop will be conducted by experts in the field. Target Participants: Practising Librarians and Information professionals. Registration Fee Non-Members Rs. 425 SALIS members Rs. 375 Students Rs. 250 The registration fee includes workshop kit, working lunch and tea for two days. Intending participants are requested to fill-up and send the attached form along with bank draft drawn in favour of âThiagarajar School of Managementâ, payable at Madurai, towards the registration fee. No. of Participants: Limited to 50 on first come first served basis. Last Date 21st Oct 2006 Completed registration form can be sent to: Mr. S. Sridhar Librarian & Organizing Secretary Pamban Swami Nagar, Thirupparankundram, Madurai 625 005 Phone : +91 (452) 2483099, 2484099 Email : For further information about the workshop, pl contact A.Hariharan SALIS or visit SALIS website __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
participants (1)
Arunachalam Hariharan