SALIS - KLNCE Seminar on Managing E-Resources - 24.7.2010 at KLNCE, Madurai

National Seminar on Managing E-Resources Organized by K.L.N. College of Engineering Pottapalayam - 630 611, Near Madurai Sivagangai District & Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science SALIS Madurai Chapter Date 24th July 2010 Venue K.L.N. College of Engineering Pottapalayam - 630 611 Sivagangai District About K.L.N. College of Engineering K.L.N. College of Engineering is the first self-financing co-educational Engineering College in Madurai, started in 1994 by munificence of philanthropist and well wishers in Sourashtra community which is a linguistic minority in Tamil Nadu. Shri. K.L.N. Krishnan was the Founder President. This college is managed by the committee of eminent industrialists and academicians with Shri. K.N.K.Ganesh as President and Shri. S.V.S.Shivnath as Secretary. This college has the approval of A.I.C.T.E, New Delhi and is affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The College offers many UG and PG programmes on various branches of Engineering, Technology, Management and Computer applications The college has a modern automated library to cater to the needs of the student and faculty members. About the Library The Library has a collection of 53,000 volumes and subscribe 250 periodicals. It is equipped with the Digital Divisions comprising of 300 e-books and a good collection of e-journals. Electronic Resource Section Library has separate E-Resource section with 20 systems to utilize for students and staff members. Membership: DELNET, INDEST-AICTE (CONSORTIUM FOR Science Direct and ASME), IEEE, Institution of Engineers About the Seminar Most of the Library resources in the recent past are being made available in electronic formats such as e-journals, e-books, databases, etc. Libraries are moving from print to e-resources either subscribing individually or through consortia because of it advantages over print resources. Recent studies show that users prefer e-journals than the print.. Managing e-journals and making them available to the users are easy. E-journals provide easy access, search and retrieval, navigation, linking the resources, etc. This seminar will provide a unique opportunity to LIS professionals to discuss, understand and know more about the different types of e-resources, access management and effective utilization of e-resources. Objectives The objective of the seminar is to provide a forum to explore ideas, trends, access and technologies related to e-resources and also discuss about: ? Types of e-resources ? E-resources for Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Social Science ? Free and Fee based e-resources ? Open Access Journals ? Consortia models- benefits - AICTE-INDEST,UGC-INFONET,CSIR and FORMA ? Resource sharing ? Search and retrieval ? Managing e-resources through portal ? Access. issues and challenges related to e-resources ? E-resources based information services ? Promoting the usage of e-resources ? Effective utilization of e-resources ? Evaluation of e-resources ? Storage and Preservation of e-resources Faculty Senior LIS Professionals in the field from various reputed organizations. Eligibility Pra LIS Professionals and students Transport Facility College buses pick up the delegates at 9.00 a.m. from Periyar Bus Stand (Near Hotel Vasantham) & Mattuthavani, Madurai. City buses are also available from Periyar busstand to Nedunkulam via College Route No.47K,47E,47B, 47A Registration Fee LIS Professionals/SALIS members Rs. 150 Non-members Rs. 200 Students Rs. 100 The registration fee includes seminar kit, working lunch and tea. Intending participants are requested to fill-up and send the attached form along with a DD in favour of ‘The Principal, K.L.N. College of Engineering’ payable at Madurai, towards the registration fee. Last Date 19.7.2010 Completed registration form can be sent to: Sri. V.Soundararajan Librarian, K.L.N. College of Engineering Pottapalayam - 630 611, Near Madurai ,Sivagangai District Ph.: 0452-2698971-73 Fax: 0452-2698280, Cell: 9942033821 e-mail: Seminar Co-Ordinators : Sri.T.K.SARAVANAN Librarian (PG Library), Cell No.9940776881 KLNCE e-mail: Ms. B.V. Gopika Rani, Asst.,Librarian, KLNCE Cell No.9790273356 Email: Sri.R.R.SURESH Asst., Librarian, KLNCE Cell No.9976930466 e-mail : and Library Staff Members Registration Form Name : Designation : Name of the Institution : Address for Communication : Tel.: Off. : Res. : E-mail ID. : Mobile No. : Particulars of Payment (Bank Draft) Name of the Bank : __________________ Rs. _________ D.D No. _______________ Date _______________ Signature Last date : 19.07.2010 (pl visit for more details about the seminar and download the seminar brochure) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.Hariharan SALIS -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Arunachalam Hariharan