International Short Term Course on “Open Source Software for Library Management (OSSLM 2018)

Dear Sir/Madam, It is our great pleasure to inform you that Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is going to organise an International Short Term Course on “Open Source Software for Library Management (OSSLM 2018)” dated 7-12 May 2018. The hands-on training program will cover detailed insights into three most widely used Open Source Software i.e. Koha, DSpace and Drupal/Joomla. The following broad topics will be covered: 1. Library Automation using Koha [advance level] 2. Institutional Digital Repository and services using Dspace [advanced level] 3. Digital library Services using Content Management System (CMS) 4. Copyright issues in Digital Era Target Participants Interested academicians, working professionals and research scholars in the field of Library and Information Science may attend this advanced hands-on training programme which will be very effective to run modern library. It may also be noted that IT Professionals working in Library are also suitable to attend the courses. Registration Fees: Registration fee for the participants are: Rs. 8000/- (Individual), Rs. 9000/- ( Sponsored), $250 (SAARC countries), $300 (other countries). The fee is inclusive of GST value (18%). The registration fee includes kit, course materials (Software CD), Lunch and Dinner during the training program. Limited Seat Availability: The week-long intensive and advanced level hands-on training courses on Library and Information Science will help to build a Smart Library. Workshop participants are restricted to 80 only. The detail can be found in brochure attached herewith and bellow link. Accommodation & Transportation: Accommodation will be arranged in our institute guest house on payment basis. Local transportation will be arranged by the organizing Committee. For further details please contact through Email: Dr. B. Sutradhar, Course Coordinator & Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302. Ph: 03222-282432 (O) E-mail : Dr. S. K. Jalal Deputy Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302. Ph: 03222-282440 (O) E-mail :
participants (1)
Hemanta Kumar Biswal