Greetings The highly fluid technological leaps and bounds require us to provide services which are user friendly and accesible. So to say "any time and all time" information availability. We all know the impact of Internet technology in the field of library science - it helpes us reach the personal inbox spaces of individuals and corporates. Mobile technology enables us to reach the information right into the pocket. We at Dr. VN BRIMS library are launching "Info-in-Cell" service from Independance day 15th August 2006 targeted primarily at end users - Students, Faculty, corporate members and staff. Installation of e-books on various models mobile phones and other handheld devices (including laptop, desktops). The Library at Dr. VN BRIMS would be happy to help other libraries to launch this service. The members would be happy to note that our students have already started using this service. This helps them read e-books on their mobile phones when they are travelling thus utilising their time productively. Please feel free to contact me at for further details. Given opportunity in any Seminar / Conferences, I would be happy to explain how to install ebooks in Mobiles Practically. Best Regards Sandeep Bhavsar Libraraian Dr.V.N.Bedekar Institute of Research and Management Studies Thane (W) 400601 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ email : Mobile : 09870484626 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ --------------------------------- All New Yahoo! Mail Tired of Vi@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you. Greetings The highly fluid technological leaps and bounds require us to provide services which are user friendly and accesible. So to say "any time and all time" information availability. We all know the impact of Internet technology in the field of library science - it helpes us reach the personal inbox spaces of individuals and corporates. Mobile technology enables us to reach the information right into the pocket. We at Dr. VN BRIMS library are launching "Info-in-Cell" service from Independance day 15th August 2006 targeted primarily at end users - Students, Faculty, corporate members and staff. Installation of e-books on various models mobile phones and other handheld devices (including laptop, desktops). The Library at Dr. VN BRIMS would be happy to help other libraries to launch this service. The members would be happy to note that our students have already started using this service. This helps them read e-books on their mobile phones when they are travelling thus utilising their time productively. Please feel free to contact me at for further details. Given opportunity in any Seminar / Conferences, I would be happy to explain how to install ebooks in Mobiles Practically. Best Regards Sandeep Bhavsar Libraraian Dr.V.N.Bedekar Institute of Research and Management Studies Thane (W) 400601 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ email : Mobile : 09870484626 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*http://... All New Yahoo! Mail Tired of Vi@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you.
participants (1)
sandeep bhavsar