Can any one help me to get an article Information Literacy in Pre-Service Teacher Education: An Annotated Bibliography Page Range: 129 - 139 Copyright Year: 2004 Contributors: Corey M. Johnson, Lorena O'English, Journal Title: Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian Volume: 22 Issue: 1 ISSN: 0163-9269 Pub Date: 1/20/2004 Priya R Pillai Librarian Bombay Teachers Training College ApolloBunder, Colaba,Mumbai-39 Can any one help me to get an article Information Literacy in Pre-Service Teacher Education: An Annotated Bibliography Page Range: 129 - 139 Copyright Year: 2004 Contributors: Corey M. Johnson, Lorena O'English, Journal Title: Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian Volume: 22 Issue: 1 ISSN: 0163-9269 Pub Date: 1/20/2004 Priya R Pillai Librarian Bombay Teachers Training College ApolloBunder, Colaba,Mumbai-39 http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigclick.cgi/www.rediff.com/signat... http://adworks.rediff.com/cgi-bin/AdWorks/sigimpress.cgi/www.rediff.com/signature-home.htm/1963059423@Middle5?OAS_query=null&PARTNER=3
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priya gopalkrishna kaimal