NCSI Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL)

Dear All We are pleased to announce: Workshop on Developing Digital Libraries using Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) 2.6.2003 to 4.6.2003 Organized by: National Centre for Science Information (NCSI), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Venue: NCSI, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Number of participants: 20 About the Workshop: Affordable software is a key requirement for successful development and deployment of digital libraries. Though it is possible today to create simple digital libraries using prevailing Web and database technologies, it would take lot more effort to develop software that integrates functions such as metadata, full text search and retrieval, multilingual support, access management, and support for multiple document formats. Greenstone (GSDL) is a suite of software for building and distributing such digital library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM. Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project ( at the University of Waikato, and developed and distributed in cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO ( It is open-source software, issued under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The aim of the software is to empower users, particularly in universities, libraries, and other public service institutions, to build their own digital libraries. More details of the software and example digital libraries built using the software is available at The goal of this Workshop is to enable individuals and organisations to initiate building their digital libraries. The specific objective of the workshop is to impart practical training to participants in using GSDL for creation and maintenance of digital libraries. Focus is on installing, configuring, application and administration of this package. At the end of the Workshop, you should have acquired the knowledge and skill sets required to build your own digital libraries using GSDL. The workshop covers both introductory and advanced use of GSDL. Apart from experienced and knowledgeable resource persons who will lead the workshop, NCSI has excellent infrastructure, including a switch-based LAN, servers, laboratory, lecture hall and Internet connectivity. Each participant will have a dedicated workstation to work with. Latest version of GSDL software package (version 2.39) will be distributed to the participants on CD-ROM. The workshop is limited to twenty (20) participants on first-come-first-served basis. Last date for receiving registrations is 25th May 2003. More details of the workshop, including workshop content, fees, and registration form can be downloaded from the following URL: If you are unable to download this document, let me know. A text-based registration form is given below for your convenience. Do contact us for any more information you may need. Regards - Rajashekar ------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. T.B. Rajashekar Associate Chairman Tel: +91-80-3600271, 3601427 National Centre for Science Fax: +91-80-3601426, 3600683 Information (NCSI) E-Mail: Indian Institute of Science URL: BANGALORE-560012 (India) ------------------------------------------------------------- SciGate: The IISc Science Information Portal ---------------------------------------- NCSI Workshop on DEVELOPING DIGITAL LIBRARIES USING GREENSTONE DIGITAL LIBRARY SOFTWARE (GSDL) 2.6.2003 to 4.6.2003) Registration Form ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Participant's Name: (Ms./ Mr./ Dr./ Prof.) Position: Organization: Address: City: Pin: Telephone: Fax: Email: Registration details: First participant (Rs. 6,000/-) Additional participant from the same organization (Rs. 4,000/-) (Note: Additional participant and main participant share the same workstation) (Pl. use copy of this form and provide details separately) I need accommodation in IISc campus: YES / NO (Accommodation cost is included in the registration fee for the dates 1-5 June 2003) Dates of accommodation requirement: From: To: Payment details: DD No. & date: Bank drawn on: Amount: (Note: DD to be drawn in favour of "The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore", payable at Bangalore) Date: Signature: Please fill this form and send it to the coordinator, along with the registration fee, on or before 25th May 2003. Dr. T.B. Rajashekar Associate Chairman National Centre for Science Information(NCSI) Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560 012(India) E-Mail: Phone : 080-3601427, 3600271 Fax : 080-3601426, 3600683
participants (1)
Dr. T.B. Rajashekar