Most Immediate - 1st Reminder: 6th Endowment Lecture on Digital Libraries, 6/3/09, Univ. Mysore and 89th Convocation, Univ. Mysore 7/3/09.

To all the Library Professionals across the Country and former Alumni of the Department of Studies, Library and Information Science, University of Mysore. University of Mysore, Department of Library and Information Science jointly with M./s Informatics Ltd., are organizing the 6^th Endowment Lecture Series on Digital Libraries Dr Khaiser Nikam, Chairperson, Dept. of Studies, Library and Information Science and Sri B J Hosmat, Registrar would be the overall controlling officers of the function. *About The Event…* * *Date and Time: 6^th March 2009, 3.30 P.M. Venue: Rani Bahadur Auditorium, Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences, Manasagangothri, Mysore – 570 006. The most interesting item of this year’s program is an invited talk by Mr Chintan Mehta, Director, India Incubation “Cellar” Yahoo India, Research and Development, Bangalore who would be delivering his lecture on “Managing Web Innovations”. Prof. K Chidananda Gowda, Former Vice-Chancellor, Kuvempu University has kindly agreed to preside over the function. Cultural programme by Smt. Sheea Sridhar and Group follows after the lecture. *Uniqueness of this Year’s Event…* This year’s Endowment Lecture (6-3-09) is unique and would be concluding with a pleasant note, as 7 March 2009 happens to the 89^th Annual Convocation of the Mysore University. The meritorious students would be receiving their gold medals and scroll of honour from none other than Shri. Rameshwar Thakur, the Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka. Sharing the dais with the Hon’ble Governor would be Prof. V G Talwar, the present Vice Chancellor of the Mysore University to personally felicitate all the degree awardees. Hence, kindly consider this as my personal invitation to all the present and old students of the DOS, LIS and all my professional LIS elsewhere in the country to attend this endowment lecture in large numbers, to be followed by the 89^th Annual Convocation of the Mysore University, the next day. Your participation in large numbers would make these two events a grand success. * For further details, kindly contact:* Dr.(Mrs) Khaiser Nikam MLISc, PhD & MBA Chairperson/Reader Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Mysore-570 006 Karnataka INDIA Cell:98453 28672 91-821-2415202(R) 2419399(O) ======================== Information Posted by R Guruprasad, Scientist, NAL, Bangalore. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Ramachandran Guruprasad