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Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 13:14:58 +0800 (SGT)
From: Vasanth
Dear LIS Professionals,�
Greetings from MyLISA Mysore!
It is a pleasure for us to bring to your kind notice that MyLISA Mysore,
in collaboration with Mysore University Library, University of Mysore,
Mysore, is organizing�one-day workshop on Stock Verification and Loss of
Books in Libraries�on Thursday, May 29, 2014.�
The workshop is aimed at introducing the policies, procedures and
practices in library stock verification; use of technology for stock
verification; presentation of stock verification report; and, decision
making about loss of books, mutilated books and withdraw from stock.�
For more information please visit�http://mylisamysore.weebly.com/�
The last date to register for this workshop is May 25, 2014.�
With regards,��
Dr. N.S. Harinarayana
Secretary, Mysore Librarians and Information Scientists Association (MyLISA)
Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science
University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570 006
Ph: 0821 - 2419393 | Mobile: 9741533380
With best wishes
Vasantha Raju N.