Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 12:58:00 -0600
From: Gerry Mckiernan
OAI Service Providers: SciTech and SocSci/Humanities
In my haste two weeks ago to (self-)promote [:-) my two recent articles
about OAI Service Providers: SciTech and SocSci/Humanities, I failed to
list the services eProfiled in each. In addition, I inadvertently mounted
a read-only PDF version for each, which were replaced with read/printing
versions earlier today.
Please find below the names and URLs of the OAI Service Providers beneath
the citation for each article:
Gerry McKiernan. "Open Archives Initiative Service Providers. Part
I: Science and Technology," _Library Hi Tech News_ 20 no. 9: (November
2003): 30-38.
**Arc: A Cross A rchive Search Service**
[ ]
[ ]
**Open Archives Initiative Information in Engineering, Computer
Science, and Physics
(Grainger Engineering Library, University of Illinois at
**SAIL-eprints (Search, Alert, Impact and Link)**
[ ]
Gerry McKiernan. "Open Archives Initiative Service Providers. Part
II: Social Sciences and Humanities," _Library Hi Tech News_ 20 no.
(December 2003): 24-31.
[ ]
**Open Language Archives Community (OLAC)
**Sheet Music Consortium**
**UIUC Digital Gateway to Cultural Heritage Materials**
[ ]
Enjoy (again)!
Gerry McKiernan
Latte-drinking, Sushi-eating, Volvo-driving,
New York Times-reading, Left-Wing Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011