National Workshop on LIS Teacher and the Digital Future at the Central Library of IIT Madras
Dear Moderators, We would be obliged if you kindly consider to post the information about the forthcoming National Workshop on LIS Teacher and the Digital Future jointly Organised by the Central Library of IIT Madras and IATLIS during 17th to 19th January, 2007. Eminent experts from IIT Madras and other institutions will deliever lectures followed by demonstrations, labs, site visits. The proposed contents of the workshop is Digital Technology Adaptability & Affordability, Future LIS Teacher as Cyber Teacher, Manuscript Conservation, E-Publishing in Cutting Edge Technologies, Technology Implications in LIS Teaching, Change Management in Libraries, Designing of Web based Courses Digital Repositories, Digital Asset Management, Information Literacy, Library Systems and Procedures Manual, ICT Implementation in Libraries, Portals and Web Communities, Technical Communication, Intellectual Property Rights, Web-Resources & Services, Networking Infrastructure, Marketing and Research Methods, Quality Indicators in LIS Teaching, Institute- Industries Interaction and Peer to Peer Networking for LIS Teaching. Objectives of Workshop · To provide a forum to the LIS Teachers, Research Scholars, Librarians and Academic Administrators to discuss or present their views on the recent developments and advances in ICT and its implementation in LIS Teaching and Library Services · To create awareness and understanding about the importance of introducing and executing information technology in LIS teaching to achieve academic excellence. · To provide an opportunity to the participants to see the world class Information Technology Infrastructure and other facilities available on IIT Madras Campus · To provide an opportunity to the participants to see the implementation of RFID Technology, Smart Cards, ISO-9001:2000, Contact less Smart Card enabled Access Control, Digital Knowledge Center, Media Resource Center, Children's Library Corner, Web based Library and Information Support Services and other facilities / services Target Audience: Maximum (36) Registration First Come First Served basis LIS TEACHERS (30), Full Time LIS Research Scholars (2) Librarians and Academic Administrators (4) Brochure of the Workshop can be downloaded or write to Dr. Harish Chandra Workshop Director and Librarian IIT Madras, Chennai-600 036 Phone:91 044 22574951 (O) Mobile: 09444404951 Dear Moderators, We would be obliged if you kindly consider to post the information about the forthcoming National Workshop on LIS Teacher and the Digital Future jointly Organised by the Central Library of IIT Madras and IATLIS during 17th to 19th January, 2007. Eminent experts from IIT Madras and other institutions will deliever lectures followed by demonstrations, labs, site visits. The proposed contents of the workshop is Digital Technology Adaptability & Affordability, Future LIS Teacher as Cyber Teacher, Manuscript Conservation, E-Publishing in Cutting Edge Technologies, Technology Implications in LIS Teaching, Change Management in Libraries, Designing of Web based Courses Digital Repositories, Digital Asset Management, Information Literacy, Library Systems and Procedures Manual, ICT Implementation in Libraries, Portals and Web Communities, Technical Communication, Intellectual Property Rights, Web-Resources & Services, N etworking Infrastructure, Marketing and Research Methods, Quality Indicators in LIS Teaching, Institute- Industries Interaction and Peer to Peer Networking for LIS Teaching. Objectives of Workshop · To provide a forum to the LIS Teachers, Research Scholars, Librarians and Academic Administrators to discuss or present their views on the recent developments and advances in ICT and its implementation in LIS Teaching and Library Services · To create awareness and understanding about the importance of introducing and executing information technology in LIS teaching to achieve academic excellence. · To provide an opportunity to the participants to see the world class Information Technology Infrastructure and other facilities available on IIT Madras Campus · To provide an opportunity to the participants to see the implementation of RFID Technology, Smart Cards, ISO-9001:2000, Contact less Smart Card enabled Access Control, Digital Knowledge Center, Media Resource Center, Children’s Library Corner, Web based Library and Information Support Services and other facilities / services Target Audience : Maximum (36) Registration First Come First Served basis LIS TEACHERS (30), Full Time LIS Research Scholars (2) Librarians and Academic Administrators (4) Brochure of the Workshop can be downloaded or write to Dr. Harish Chandra Workshop Director and Librarian IIT Madras, Chennai-600 036 Phone:91 044 22574951 (O) Mobile: 09444404951
participants (1)
Harish Chandra