Dear Sir/Madam/Friends. ICFAI University, has established its national college at 1/3, K.B arcade, Hunsur Road. Mysore. THis colege has been functioning dor the past seven months and has 220 students pursuing mangement education. we have well qualified and experincied faculty handlning all subject of Management. We would be delighted to have interaction with your faculties on subjects of matual interest and benefit.ICFAI got its own publication division from where 40 journals are published monthly/ querterly. Thier publications inclued subjects like finance, HR, Marketing, Banking Insurence, Entrepeunership, EPR, etc........ In addition to this ICFAI publication also brings out text books in finance, economics and mangement. In order to give an idea about ICFAI and its activities, We are organising an "ICFAI PUBLICATION MEET" in our college premises. Kindly, depute as many faculties as posible, to come to uur ICFAI publication meet. The Book meet will be open from 10.00 am to 6:00 pm on friday the 19th of November 2004. For registration please contact 5288835/5559394 and registar yourself Wish you a happy and gain full reading Vasantha Raju N Librarian ICFAI national college Mysore Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. Dear Sir/Madam/Friends. ICFAI University, has established its national college at 1/3, K.B arcade, Hunsur Road. Mysore . THis colege has been functioning dor the past seven months and has 220 students pursuing mangement education. we have well qualified and experincied faculty handlning all subject of Management. We would be delighted to have interaction with your faculties on subjects of matual interest and benefit.ICFAI got its own publication division from where 40 journals are published monthly/ querterly. Thier publications inclued subjects like finance, HR, Marketing, Banking Insurence, Entrepeunership, EPR, etc........ In addition to this ICFAI publication also brings out text books in finance, economics and mangement. In order to give an idea about ICFAI and its activities, We are organising an " ICFAI PUBLICATION MEET " in our college premises. Kindly, depute as many faculties as posible, to come to uur ICFAI publication meet. The Book meet will be open from 10.00 am to 6:00 pm on friday the 19th of November 2004. For registration please contact 5288835/5559394 and registar yourself Wish you a happy and gain full reading Vasantha Raju N Librarian ICFAI national college Mysore http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrim... Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your life partner http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg2/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matri... online .
participants (1)
vasanth raj