Bibliophile-DLIS CUTN Newsletter
Dear Professionals friends,
We are pleased to bring to your kind perusal the release of the third
edition of the E-Newsletter (issue nNo.02) namely *"Bibliophile". * The E-
Newsletter may kindly be viewed using the following link:
Thanking you,
With Regards
*K. G. SUDHIER *PhD*/**डॉ. के. जी. सुधीर*
Faculty Editor-Bibliophile
Dept. of Library & Information Science / पुस्तकालय एवं सूचना विज्ञान विभाग
School of Communication/संचार पीठ
*Central University of Tamil Nadu | तमिलनाडु
केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय*
तिरुवारूर - ६१० ००५ | Thiruvarur - 610 005/ तमिलनाडु (*भारत*) | Tamil Nadu
अणु डाक/Email:
participants (1)
Sudhier K G Pillai