WHO Health Leadership Service Accepting Applicants
Please excuse cross-posting. We would greatly appreciate you distributing this information and our call for applications to members of your institution whom you consider might be interested. Librarians being the great "brokers of information", I am sure that you know of people that are quality applicants. Thank you very much for your help. Tomas Allen WHO Library ******************************************************************************* World Health Organization's new young professionals programme, the Health Leadership Service (HLS), is now accepting applications until 15th September. The Health Leadership Service is recruiting promising young health professionals from around the world and will provide them with the opportunity to work and learn for two years within WHO. Mentored by senior WHO staff, these young professionals will form part of the next generation of health leaders. Eight to ten 'HLS Officers' will be recruited as WHO staff under a two-year non-renewable fixed-term appointment. Women and nationals of developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply For more information, and to apply, please go to http://www.who.int/health_leadership or email directly to HLSMailbox@who.int The Health Leadership Service secretariat EIP/HRH/LMF WHO 20 Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland ********************************************************************************************* _________________________________________________________________ So wird man Teil einer riesigen Chatgemeinde, die ihrer Zeit voraus ist. http://messenger.msn.ch?DI=1057&XAPID=2532
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Tomas Allen