Workshop on "Interactive Data Storytelling and Visualization" on 14th December 2019 (Saturday)

Dear Professional,
We invite you to participate in a Workshop on "Interactive Data Storytelling and Visualization" which is being organized on 14th December 2019 (Saturday).
Any great story means visualization and detail. It takes the small additions of those details to build a picture in someone's mind to truly make the story complete. The same goes for analytics and data. However, interpreting all the data correctly and turning it into a great story can be an intimidating task that many organizations struggle to accomplish.
So, what does it mean to "tell a story with data?"
Data is just a collection of numbers until you turn it into a story. Showing reports and dashboards can be overwhelming without adding a narrative to the data. Any great insight explains what happened, why it is important and how you can use it to turn it into something actionable. Data visualization is using data and statistics in creative ways to show patterns and draw conclusions about a hypothesis, or prove theories, that can help drive decisions in the organization.
Why is it important?
Telling a great data-driven story can be useful for both stakeholders and your customers and can drive better decision making within an organization and also drive conversions with your customers.
How to join the workshop?
Joining this workshop is your first stepping stone in the milestone. If you want to be part of the action and insight, then join the workshop. Some of the leading experts from the industry are going to share their experiences. You will also get hands on experience to work on various tools and techniques. Just fill up the registration form and paying a nominal amount to meet the workshop expenses send it across to us at the earliest. We can accommodate only 50 on first-cum-first basis.
To join the workshop, any interested aspirants can send his / her credentials (i.e. Name, Organization name, Address, e.mail ID and Contact Number) through e.mail to
participants (1)
Vijay Vikram S Parihar