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From: Chandrakumar, V.
Date: Sun 23 May, 2021, 6:52 AM
Subject: Condolence Meeting - Prof Amudhavalli
To: chandrakumar
Dear All,
A Condolence Meeting is scheduled on *24th May 2021 at 5.30 p.m*. via
Google Meet to pay tribute to Prof. A. Amudhavalli, Former Professor &
Head, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Madras,
who passed away due to illness on 17th May 2021 at Palayamkottai.
I request you to kindly join the Meeting with following link:
V. Chandrakumar
Professor & Head
Dr. V. Chandrakumar
Professor & Head
(Chairperson - School of Information and Communication Studies)
Dept. of Library & Information Science
University of Madras, Chennai 600 005
Tel: 044-2539 9674 (Office - Direct)
044-2257 9313 (Residence)
Mobile: 0-94441 14271